Ch. 4 - Constitutional Law Flashcards
Federal Constitution
- Seven articles. - 1. Legislative Branch: Congress.
- Executive
- Judiciary
- Relations between states & federal. - 5. Amendment. - 6. Misc. matters. - 7. Ratification
- Establishes a government’s structure. - Defines its political relations. - Defines its rights and authorities.
The Bill of Rights
- Refers to the first 10 amendments. - These were not originally part of the Constitution
- Constitutional Federal laws preempt ( prevents or overrides ) state laws on the same subject if: - The law says so OR - The state law is inconsistent
Judicial Review
- Invented in the case Marbury vs. Madison. - All government action is reviewable by the courts for constitutionality. - Any government action that is unconstitutional can be voided by the courts. - The supermen court is the final arbiter of constitutionality.
Selective Incorporation
- Bill of Rights that were fundamental to ordered liberty were incorporated into the state by state law by the 14th Amendment.
State Action
- With one exception, only the actions of government can be unconstitutional - This has expanded to include private actions where the government is somehow involved.
The Commerce Clause
- Is one of the main reason the Constitution was written. - It gives the Federal Government the power to regulate interstate & international commerce. - It is the chief means of giving Federal Government control over the economy.
The Commerce Clause & State Laws
• State laws that burden interstate commerce can be overturned factors: - Necessity of the regulation. - Burden placed on IC. - Extent it discriminates against IC.
Limits on the Federal Power to Tax
• All direct taxes must be evenly apportioned amount the states. • All custom duties must be uniform throughout the states. • No duties can be levied from any state.
Eminent Domain
• Originally was the power to use private property for public use. • Has been expanded to the power to take any private property for public purposes.
The Contract Clause
• Is the main body of the Constitution. • Is the second main reason we have a constitution. • No state can impair the obligation of contracts.
1st Amendment Right of Free Speech
• Is not absolute. Certain speech can be punished or forbidden. - Obscenity. - Incitement to crime • It applied to individuals and business • Commercial as well as political speech is protected.
Private Limitation on Speech
• Private parties can sue when another exercise of free speech harms them. • The most common example is defamation.
The Sullivan Rule
• Puts a constitutional limit on celebrities ability to win defamation suits. - Public officials & public figures cannot win defamation suits with proving knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard of the truth.