Ch 4 Flashcards
Features common to OO languages
Classes, instances, message passing, methods, inheritance
Immutable means that once set, the value of the data field cannot subsequently be changed.
An interface defines the protocol for certain behavior but does not provide an implementation.
Mutual recursion
When two or more classes have references to the other.
Inner class
A class definition written inside of another.
Visibility modifiers
The keywords public and private that are used to control the visibility, and hence the manipulation, of class features.
Getter and setter functions
Sometimes termed accessors and mutators, these are methods that provide access to data fields. By using methods rather than providing direct access, programmers have greater control over the way data is modified and where it can be used.
Constant, or immutable, data fields
These data fields are guaranteed to not change during the course of execution.
Class data fields
The particular paradox arises over the initialization data fields that are shared in common among all instances of a class.