Ch. 4 Flashcards
Throughout Hebrew history, the ________ between God and the Israelites is the dominant reference point.
______________ to covenant revealed the spiritual condition of the nation.
Psalms 27:10
All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful, for those who keep the demands of his ________.
Exodus… lays the foundations for a __________ of God’s revelation of his person, his redemption, his law, and his worship.
The _________ event has great importance in the history of Israel and, according to Hill, it “implicitly foreshadows the Christ event.”
After leaving Egypt, Israelites in the covenant ceremony at Mount ________ had the opportunity to accept or reject their relationship with Yahweh.
Keeping the covenant with Yahweh means obeying his _____________________ and in return the Israelites will receive his ____________(Deut. 28:1-14).
commandments, blessings
Isaiah 6:1
In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a ________, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.
Isaiah 6:3
And one cried unto another m, and Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his _________.
Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean ______, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.
Isaiah 1:8
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for is? Then said I, Here am I; ______ me.
Psalms 8:3-4,9
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the ______ and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visited him? O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy _______ in all the earth!
moon, name
Worship is both ___________ and ___________.
revelation, response
Robert E. Webber stated, “Worship in its broadest sense is a meeting between God and His people in which God becomes present to His people, who respond with __________ and _____________.”
praise, thanksgiving
In Isaiah 6:8, God asked for a response from Isaiah, and he responded, “Here am ____; send ______.”
I, me
Offering _______________ to God is what worship is all about.
“God is a spirit” and we must worship him “in _________ and in ___________” (John 4:24).
spirit, truth
Without the Spirit’s presence, there is no genuine worship or life changing _____________.
The ________________ of the Holy Spirit makes all the difference in our worship.
The Spirit breaks through ____________ limitations, and links is with God.
In John’s writings, “truth” is a word that he relates often to __________ and the truth revealed by the Holy Spirit.
The truth that is in Jesus will form the ______________ on which worship styles are built.
True worship does not depend on holy _______ and __________ but upon whether the worshiper is sincere and if Jesus Christ is the _________ of our worship.
days, places, center
Christian worship is not man-centered or event-centered, but it is _________-centered.
Hebrews 9:11-12
But Christ being come an high __________ of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; Neither by the _________ of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
priest, blood
To think that God would passionately seek worshippers must cause us to ___________.
But Adam and Eve fell into sin and chose to worship the ___________ rather than the Creator by obeying their own lust for wisdom rather than God (Gen. 3:1-6).
But by God’s __________ he sought to bring people back into a relationship with himself.
___________ says it this way: “spirit without truth is helpless and truth without spirit is _____________ without a fire.
Tozer, theology
William Hendrikson writes,”worshiping in spirit and truth of God can only mean…. that the entire ________ enters into the act….. in full harmony with the truth of God as revealed in His ________.
heart, Word
Spirit will never lead into an area the ____________ prohibits.
Worship leaders must grasp the importance of both leading with their “entire __________” (spirit) and allowing the Word (truth) to guide their worship planning.
Gundry states that physically the definition of worship “means to kneel down and _________ one’s knee to the ground.”
John had already told us that Jesus the Word was full of ___________ and truth.
True worshippers are those who maintain a _________ relationship to Jesus.
… 4:24 turns into the divine necessity that those who worship Him do so in Spirit and truth. Now, anything less… on our part is ________________.
This new kind of worship is not an ______________.
The verb ‘worship’ (proskynein) will occur only twice more in the entire Gospel, and seems ill suited to exchange because it means to fall down or _________________ oneself.
Michaels does not believe that the use of “worship” implies that one should literally fall prostrate, but rather it is a “metaphor for the state of the _________.”
In a closer examination of John 4, we find that the Samaritans were expecting the Messiah and believed that he would be a _______________.
Worship leaders who worship in Spirit and Truth must know the truth revealed in _______________.
Gundry describes this as an “echo of God’s commanding Moses to tell the Israelites in Egypt that ‘I ___’ had sent him (Exodus 3:14).
So Jesus is not only Messiah, the Christ, not only the incarnate ________ who speaks, but also the Word who because he was ‘in the beginning… with God’ and ‘was God’ (John 1:1) is the eternal I AM.
The constant challenge for the worship leader is preparing _______________ before leading others in worship.
Integrity and personal ______ are central for a leader to be worthy to be followed.
Isaiah 1:11-20
…Come now, and let us __________ together, saith the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;….
This scripture is a warning to worship leaders to prepare their __________ with repentance and cease doing actions that are evil so that their worship is pleasing to God.
Worship must be more than just an activity that takes place in church, but rather it must a ____________ of worship that includes social justice reaching out with compassion to those that are less fortunate.
Amos 5:21-24
….Take thou away from me the __________ of thy songs….
This was shocking because the things mentioned are the very things they thought pleased the Lord, but their _________ were far from God.
Even their gyms of praise and instrumental music has become _______________ to God.
A momentary flow of justice and ________________________ is required of leaders of worship in the OT.
Only when right __________ is coupled with a right heart may one then sense God’s pleasure.
Before IWS Professor Gerald Borchert retired, I heard him state that worship which _________ me nothing is “worth just about that much.”
This “new heart” is the spirit of piety which makes an attempt to avoid _______.
This “new heart” is the spirit of piety which:
- “hates every false way” (Ps. 119:104)
2. and makes an attempt to avoid evil (Prov. 16:6)
Rory Noland asserts that _____________ is doing what God wants us to do.
Rory Noland asserts that:
- “Character is becoming who God wants us to be,
2. and integrity is doing what God wants us to do.”
Key elements in this loving relationship with God that produces a lifestyle of integrity would include a __________ spirit.
Key elements in this loving relationship with God that produces a lifestyle of integrity include:
- a spirit of humility,
- an open heart,
- and a contrite spirit.
As worship leaders, we need to ask ourselves as we plan, “What can we sing this Sunday to help us ______ God, to hear Him, and respond to Him?”
The challenge of the worship leader is twofold, one including to eliminate ________________.
The challenge of the worship leader is twofold:
- To eliminate distractions
2. To aid the worshiper to think vertically about the Lord.
This motivates the worship leader to do all possible to ensure good preparation and to develop _______________ in quality of delivery.
The more we prepare for a celebration, the more we ___________ and anticipate it.
We are not just fulfilling a duty, although it certainly is a duty because we were ____________ to worship God.
Without the Spirit’s presence, there is no genuine worship or life changing ___________.
The Spirit breaks through human _______________ and links us to God.
As we relate to God, we become aware not just of his immanence (his ______________), but also his transcendence (his existence above and beyond our ________________).
closeness, understanding
Isaiah 55:8
For my ___________ are not your __________, neither are your ______ my ________ saith the Lord.
thoughts, thoughts, ways, ways
He is so near, closer than a __________ and yet so above and beyond anything we can imagine or understand!
God reveals His presence when His Word is __________.
We’ve just become more __________ of it.
Even though God is always with us, there are times when we are more aware of the presence of God, and we experience God’s intimate presence in a ___________ capacity
When God is pleased with our worship his presence is ___________.
2 Chr. 5:11-14
And when it came to pass, when the _________ were come out of the holy place….
2 Chr. 5:11-14
…..for his mercy endure the for ever: that then the house was filled with a __________, even the house of the Lord….
The challenge for worship leaders is to recognize that their role as a ______________ is constant, not just when they are on the ______________ leading worship.
leader, platform
God should receive all the __________ for any beauty, or admirable quality in the gift.
The Lord promised the kingdom of heaven and the blessings of God for those who do not follow the ways of the world, but instead model ____________ in worship and life by accepting the legitimacy of humility, mercifulness, poverty, suffering, and other such patterns of life.
Not everyone who declares that “Jesus is Lord” is in fact a ________ worshiper is God.
The life and teachings of Jesus epitomize the integration between authentic worship and a pure heart that is reflective of a life of ________________ to God’s commandments.
Our __________ in worship is to give glory to God….
Our purpose in worship is to:
- give glory to God,
- to celebrate Him,
- to know Him better,
- and to minister to Him.
If it does not turn our attention outward, then it is simply a self absorbed ___________ that is not acceptable to the one who is supposed to the ____________ of our worship.
activity, subject
We will be fed by His Word, we will be filled Spirit, and we will be strengthened, but the ______ is different, the attitude is one of giving rather than getting.
How can we _______ Him?
When we exalt Him and see how great He is, we begin to see ourselves for who we really are, sinful and in need of _________ and forgiveness.
Psalms 51:1-2
…Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and _________ me from my son.
The impact of meeting Him produces a changed ________, one of serving the world with love, giving a drink of water in His name, caring for the poor, and working for justice.
On the Day of Pentecost, when ________ preached to the crowd and they were made aware of who Jesus was,”they were pricked in their heart, and said, Men and brethren, what shall we do?”(Acts 2:37).
When we begin to comprehend the _______________ of our God, we become keenly aware of our sinfulness.
Some wonder if _____________ will somehow get lost of the Church focuses on worship.
Corporate worship _________ evangelism.
____________, including evangelism, is the natural byproduct of worship.
When planning the content of a worship service, it is important to be very thoughtful and intentional to make sure the content is the good news that:
- God can ______ us,
- _______ us,
- And transform our lives.
save, heal
Various ____________ will express their worship of God in a variety of ways.
____________ is the supreme and only indispensable activity of the Church.
Consequently, God-focused worship is ___________________.
No worship service in this life will ever rival the splendor of __________.
Soon and very soon we will be an audience before the majesty and glory of God for all __________.
We will take our place among the throngs of heaven, made up of people from every tribe, language, people, and tongue who have been purchased by the blood of the __________.
We will worship for all __________ joining the “many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders…. saying with a loud voice, ___________ is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing”(Rev. 5:11-12).
eternity, worthy
Worship is ____________.