CH 4 Flashcards
To determine the family of curves or the “isogonal trajectories” R(x, y) knowing G(x, y) and the angle 𝜑, recall from analytics that the angle between two lines is given by the formula:
𝜑 = arctan (m1- m2/1 + m1m2)
Certain types of substances decompose at a rate proportional to its amount at any instant: a chemical process known as ______________
Exponential Decay
This section presents mixing problems of substances that have significances in chemistry and biology.
Mixture Flow
states that the rate of change of the temperature of a cooling body is
proportional to the difference between the temperature of the body and the constant temperature of the medium surrounding the body.
Newton’s Law of Cooling
__________ is one in which an inductanceL, resistanceR, and a capacitanceC, are
connected in series with a source of electromotive force of E volts.
A simple closed electric circuit
The differential equation necessary to
solve the various problems relative to this circuit is derived with the use of the laws of ________ and _________.
Ohm and Kirchoff
The resistance R (ohms) is a circuit parameter which opposes the a change in the current I (amperes) causing a potential drop of
The current I is the rate of change of the electric charge Q or
I = dQ/dt or Q = int I dt
states that the algebraic sum of all potential around a closed electric circuit is zero.
The first law of Kirchoff
a colony of bacteria may increase at a rate
which varies directly as its number at any time: a relative but opposite process known as
Exponential Growth
The inductance L (Henries) is a circuit parameter which opposes a change in the current I (amperes) causing a potential drop of
EL = L dI/dt