Ch. 4 Flashcards
Why is the general fund so important?
Every government has a general fund.
Reports on all day-to-day operations.
Bulk of activities (fixing roads, fire protection, police protection, etc)
What is a top-down system?
Larger government collects taxes and filters money down back to smaller governments.
What can be an issue with governments?
Each government has a responsibility to ITS residents.
They all act and operate separately even though they are really all connected.
Special Revenue Fund
Revenue restricted for certain purposes.
**Do NOT make the mistake of only having special revenue fund if the funds are restricted
What is accrual accounting based on?
What is modified accrual accounting based on?
What basis of accounting is used for proprietary and government-wide?
Full accrual accounting
What basis of accounting is used for governmental funds?
Modified accrual accounting
***almost cash basis
What is the fundamental difference between available and earned?
Earned - shows current assets, current liabilities, long-term assets, long-term liabilities
Available - shows only current assets and current liabilities
***Does NOT include long-term liabilities and fixed assets
What is meant by measurable?
HAVE to measure it to record it
What is meant by available?
Have money and control over it, or coming in a short enough time to pay bills
***Within current year or 60 days
Outflows of resources - expenses with certain exceptions
Recorded when a liability is incurred
Under GASB - except long-term liabilities - 60 day rule
Tax Anticipation Note
Most school districts use these
Short-term borrowing
Bond Anticipation Note
Short-term borrowing
***Intent/ability to pay through a serial bond treat as long-term even though legally it is short-term
Revenue Anticipation Note
Start laying money out but expecting revenue
Short-term borrowing