Ch. 37 Flashcards
Abruptio placentae
Also known as a placental abruption is the premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall prior to birth
After the infant is born the placenta separates from the uterine wall and is delivered as
Amniotic sac
Sometimes referred to as the bag of waters is filled with amniotic fluid in which the infant floats
Emergencies are those that occur in the pregnant patient prior to the onset of labor
Bloody show
Explosion of the plug singable the first stage of labor and is known as
Middle portion of the uterus
Breech birth
Is one in which the fetal buttocks or lower extremities are the presenting part and first to be delivered
Brow presentation
When the eyebrows or an eyebrow is the presenting part in the vaginal opening
Cephalic delivery
Top of the head is the presenting part in a normal delivery called a
Narrow tapered neck of the uterus
Chin presentation
Is when the chin is the presenting part during birth
Compound presentation
When an arm or a leg enters the birth canal and presents with the head or buttocks
Middle portion of the uterus
When the head is presenting part in the vaginal opening
First stage of labor
Is a more severe form of preeclampsia and includes an unexplained coma or new onset of generalized tonic clonic seizures
Ectopic pregnancy
One occurring outside the uterus
Complete cervical dilation
Second stage of pregnancy
Face presentation
When the face is presenting part in the vaginal opening
Fallopian tubes
Also know as uterine tubes are thin flexible structures that extend from the uterus to the ovaries
The unborn infant
Top portion of the uterus