the progenitors, precursors, and adult red cells make up an organ termed the______, which arises from pluripotential hematopoietic stem cells.
the first morphologically recognizable erythroid precursor cell in the marrow
Following commitment to the erythroid lineage, unipotential progenitors mature into the erythroid progenitors, the ________and, subsequently, the ______, which then undergoes further maturation to generate anucleate polychromatophilic macrocytes
burst-forming unit–erythroid (BFU-E)
colony-forming unit–erythroid (CFU-E)
The hallmark of this primitive erythron is the______
release of nucleated erythroid precursors containing embryonic hemoglobin
The definitive stage of maturation makes its appearance around week ____ of embryogenesis when mul- tipotential stem cells develop and seed the liver, which maintains the erythron for most of fetal life.
The earliest identifiable progenitor committed to the erythroid lineage
As erythroid maturation progresses, a later progenitor, the ____, derived from the BFU-E, can be defined in vitro.
The CFU-E is independent on erythropoietin for its development and can undergo only a few cell divisions.
The CFU-E is dependent on erythropoietin for its development and can undergo only a few cell divisions.
Adhesion between erythroid cells and macrophages occurs at the _____ stage of maturation.
The anatomical unit of erythropoiesis in the normal adult is the _______.
- consists of a centrally located macrophage surrounded by maturing terminally differentiating erythroid cells
erythroblastic island or islet
erythroblastic islands near sinusoids are composed of more mature erythroblasts, whereas islands more distant from the sinusoids are composed of proerythroblasts
erythroblastic islands near sinusoids are composed of more mature erythroblasts, whereas islands more distant from the sinusoids are composed of proerythroblasts
the macrophage of the erythroblastic island appears to play a stimulatory role in erythropoiesis independent of erythropoietin.
the macrophage of the erythroblastic island appears to play a stimulatory role in erythropoiesis independent of erythropoietin.
They are the largest red cell precursor.
The nucleus occupies approximately 80% of the cell area with a fine nuclear chromatin pattern, distinct nucleoli, deeply basophilic cytoplasm, and often a clear area at the site of the Golgi apparatus.
The cell is smaller than the proerythroblast.
The nucleus occupies three-fourths of the cell area, the nuclear chromatin is slightly more condensed, and cytoplasm is basophilic.
Basophilic erythroblas
The cell is smaller on average than its precursors.
The nuclear chromatin is more condensed, with a checkerboard pattern that develops.
Nucleoli are usually not apparent.
The cytoplasm is gray, reflecting the staining modulation induced by hemoglobin synthesis, which adds cytoplasmic content that takes an eosinophilic stain, admixed with the residual basophilia of the fading protein synthetic apparatus.
Polychromatophilic erythroblasts
Stage where erythroblasts lose their mitotic potential
Polychromatophilic erythroblasts
This cell is the smallest of the erythroblastic series. increased condensation of nuclear chromatin, with homogeneous cytoplasmic coloration approaching that of a red cell.
Orthochromic normoblast.