Ch. 3 Transgenerational Models: Bowenian Family Therapy Flashcards
In which theories do the transgenerational models have roots?
Psychoanalytic and object relations – which emphasize intrapsychic conflict of the individual
Insight and working through
Transgenerational models require people to have insight about their problems so they can work through them (find new productive ways of dealing with issues).
How do symptoms develop in transgenerational models?
When the transgenerational issues remain unconscious
What is the best way to treat the symptomatic child in transgenerational models?
To work with the parents. Like Structural therapy, it searches for the structures underlying the presenting problem.
- therapy usually lasts 2 years - not brief!
Important practitioners of transgenerational models
- Murray Bowen and his followers:
- Philip Guerin
- Betty Carter
- Norman Paul
- Monica McGoldrick
- Nagy (contextual family therapy)
- James Framo (combining intergenerational and object relations approaches
- Fairbairn, Dicks and Scharff and Schraff
Bowenian Family therapy: intro
- Worked at NIMH
- studied schizophrenics and is known for hospitalizing full families for observation and research
- observed the patterns of familial closeness and distance – formed the construct of “differentiation of self”
- Ts need to not get sucked into the family process (undifferentiated ego mass)
- Ts differentiation from his/her own FOO determines his/her success in resisting the tendency to become emotionally reactive with clients
- In supervision he worked with supervisees to improve their relationships with their FOO
Bowenian FT: Theory of Normal Development and Dysfunction
Highly differentiated individuals v. Poorly differentiated individuals
- react to the world rationally and enter into relationships while balancing competing needs for belonging and individuality
- Ruled by their emotions
- lives center around acceptance and being loved
Bowenian FT: Theory of Normal Development and Dysfunction
solid self v. pseudo-self
solid self:
- more differentiated and functions based on a personally defined set of values, beliefs, and convictions,
pseudo self (externalized self):
- not differentiated and may be fused with someone else
- borrows values from someone else
- makes emotionally reactive choices
Bowenian FT: Theory of Normal Development and Dysfunction
optimal family develop occurs when…
- Family members are relatively differentiated
- anxiety is low
- when the parents are in good emotional contact with their own FOOs
inverse relationship between levels of differentiation in family members and chronic anxiety
Bowenian FT: Theory of Normal Development and Dysfunction
Dysfunction occurs from…
a lack of differentiation
Bowenian FT: Theory of Normal Development and Dysfunction
3 places symptoms can be manifested in the system
- in the marital relationship
- in the health of one of the partners (physical or mental)
- in one of the children
Bowenian FT: Theory of Normal Development and Dysfunction
Differentiation of self: 2 competing needs
belong to the group v. be an individual separate from it
Bowenian FT: Theory of Normal Development and Dysfunction
3 results of people who are emotionally reactive in the face of chronic anxiety
- dependent
- distant
- avoidant
Bowenian FT: Theory of Normal Development and Dysfunction
Differentiated people in relationships
- don’t feel at risk of losing themselves
- enjoy closeness and tolerate the small degree of fusion with partner
- retain the essential self as differentiated from the other
Bowenian FT: Theory of Normal Development and Dysfunction
Undifferentiated people in relationships
- cannot think clearly for themselves and tend to be emotionally reactive
- respond in patterned behaviors learned within their FOO
- objective in relationships is to see love, approval, security and comfort
- emotionally fused with partner and have little energy for other goal-directed activities
- social dysfunction, and physical and emotional symptoms can be result of chronic disruption of the relationship.