ch 3 part 1 Flashcards
define director?
any person occupying yhe position of director
(The definition focuses on function and position and not on specific designation and the word ‘director’ in a job title does not necessarily mean that a person is legally a director)
characterstics of director
1.natural person be a member
3.Not to be variable representative
5.Fiduciary relationship
6.Consent to act as director
7.Consent to act as director
minimum number of directors
pvt 2
public unlisted 3
public listed 7
ineligibility of a person to become director
- minor
- unsound mind
- has applied to be adjudicated as an insolvent and his application is pending
- undischarge insolvent
- has been convicted by court of law for offence involving moral terputes
- has been debarred from holding such office
- is lacking fiduciary behaviour and a declaration to this effect has been made by the Court at any time during the preceding 5 years
- does not hold National Tax Number. The Commission may grant exemption from this requirement
- is not a member. However, this shall not apply in the case of:
a person representing a member who is not a natural person
a whole-time director who is an employee of the company
a chief executive
a person representing a creditor or other special interests through contractual arrangements
for listed companies who shall not be appointed as a director
- has been declared by a court as defaulter in repayment of loan to a financial institution
- is engaged in the business of brokerage or is a spouse of such person or is a sponsor, director or officer of a corporate brokerage house.
ineligibility of bankrupts
if any person who is undischarge insolvent act as director shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to a fine, or to both.
appointment of first and additonal director
first directors
The names and number of first directors shall be decided by the subscribers of memorandum, and their specified
particulars shall be submitted along with the documents for incorporation.
additional directors
Number of first directors may be increased by appointing additional directors in general meeting.
Term of office of first and subsequent directors
first directors
The first directors shall hold office until the election of directors in the first annual general meeting of the
subsiquent directors
An elected director shall hold office for a period of three years unless he earlier resigns or otherwise ceases to
hold office.
term of office of directors of a company limited by guarantee and not having share capital
the term of office of directors of a company limited by guarantee and not having share capital may be
a period of less than three years as provided in the articles.
Duty of retired directors
The directors so continuing to perform their functions shall:
1.take immediate steps to hold the election of directors; and case of any impediment, report such circumstances to the registrar within 45 days before the due date of the annual general meeting or extra-ordinary general meeting, as the case may be, in which elections are to be held.Such AGM or EGM shall not be delayed for more than 90 days from the due date of the meeting or such extended
time as may be allowed by the registrar, for reasons to be recorded, only in case of exceptional circumstances
beyond the control of the directors or in compliance of any order of the court
direction by the registrar for election of direction if periode of ellction is expired
The registrar, may on expiry of period (for election), either:
a) on its own motion; or
b) on the representation of the members holding at least 10% of total voting powers in a company having
share capital; or
c) on the representation of the members holding at least 10% of total members of the company not having
share capital of the company,
directs the company to hold annual general meeting or extra-ordinary general meeting for the election of
directors on such date and time as may be specified in the order.
Procedure for election of subsequent directors
1.Fixing the number of directors
2. Notice of contesting the election
3. Elected unopposed
4. Number of votes
5. Result of polling
6. All directors are equal
7. Procedure for company limited by guarantee not having share capital
nominee director
nominated by Govt or body corportae
criteria, proceedure and time limit of fresh ellection of director
Powers of the court to declare election invalid
Appeal criteria
time limit
Decision of court