Ch. 3 - Cell Structure & Function in Bacteria & Archae (Ch. 4 -- 12 ed.) Flashcards
Central Dogma of Molecular Bio
(pp. 176, 252)
- Genetic material in the cell specifies the organization of the cell & its activity
- Molecular processes (underlying genetic info flow) can be dividied into 3 stages:
- Replication - DNA is duplicated, producing two double helices
- Transcription - DNA participates in protein synthesis through an RNA intermediate (mRNA)
- -> some genes contain info for other types of RNA: tRNA & rRNA
3. Translation - sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide (making up a protein) is determined by the specific sequence of bases in mRNA
–> In Eukaryotes…each gene transcribed to give a single mRNA
–> in Prokaryotes…a signle mRNA may carry genetic info from several genes
Mimi Virus exception(s)?
- Viruses contain only a single form of nucleic acid – either DNA or RNA
–> Mimi virus contains both RNA & DNA
Major Cell Morphologies
–> several morphologies are known among prokaryotes…
- Coccus – spherical or ovoid
- Bacillus (rod) – cylindrical shape
- Spirilla – some rods twist into spiral shapes
–> several groups possess unusual shapes…
- Spirochets – tightly coiled shape
- Appendaged – possess extensions of their cells (hypha/stalks)
- Filamentous bacteria – long, thin cells/chains
- Vibrio – half-moon shaped
**Cell morphology is easily recognized…but generally a poor predictor of a cell’s other properties**
Describe Cell Size of Prokaryotes
- Esherichia coli?
- Thiomargarita namibiensis?
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- Prokaryotes vary in size from ~ 0.2 µm to ~ >700 µm (in diameter)
- -> 1 µm (micrometers) = 10-6 m (meters)
- E. coli = 2 µm
- -> considered base volume for prokaryotic cells
- -> E. coli vol. = 2 µm3 –> (EC vol. = 1)
- T. namibiensis = 750 µm
- -> T. namibiensis vol. = 200,000,000 µm3 –> (EC vol. = 108
- M. pneumonia = 0.2 µm
- -> M. pneuonmia vol. = 0.005 µm –> (EC vol = 2.5 x 10-3)
Significance of Small size of Prokaryotes
- prokaryotic cells generally very small cells compared to eukaryotes
- -> very large…not common
- rate at which nutrients/waste products transport in/out of cell is generally **inversely proportional to cell size**
- -> higher S/V (surface are/volume) ratio of smaller cells supports greater nutreint exchange per unit of cell volume…vica versa…
- -> cell’s growth rate depends (among other important things) on the rate of nutrient exchange
**S/V = 3/r** (for spherical coccus..)
⇒ larger the cell…smaller the S/V ratio –> results in a lesser efficient exchange with environment
Structure of Viruses
Viruses come in numerous sizes & shapes…most smaller than prokaryotic cellsg
- Acellular…thus “nonliving”
- -> rely on host cells to provide E & materials needed for replicationg their genomes & synthesizing their proteins…**Obligate intracellular parasites**
- Nucleic acids – contain either DNA or RNA.. (NOT both)
- -> (exception)…Mimi Virus contains both DNA & RNA
- Capsids – protein shell which surrounds nucelic acid of virion
- -> made up of Capsomers (structural subunits)
- -> Nucelocapsid – complete complex of nucelic acid & protein packaged in virion
- infectious RNA molecules that differ from viruses…lack capsids (protein coat)
- consist of single-stranded (covalently-closed) circular RNA that forms a seemingly double-stranded structure by intra-strand base pairing
- -> makes it stable to exist outide of host cell… (NOT an obligate intracellular parasite)
- -> enters through wound in plant cells… (does not use a receptor to enter host like viruses)
- **interferes with regulatory RNA in plants**…
- -> viriods possess no protein-encoding genes…basically totally dependent on host function (for replication)
- -> viroid replicated in host cell nucleus or chloroplast by plant RNA polymerases
- NO animal diseases known
- thought to be small replicating polypeptides
- -> contain neither RNA or DNA
- Mechanism of Prion misfolding:
- -> neuronal cells produce normal form of prion protein (PrPC)
- -> Pathogenic form (PrPSc) catalyzes refolding of normal prions into abnormal form… (PrPC into PrPSc)
- PrPSc is protease resistant & insoluble…aggregates in host neural cells (brain cells)
- infectious in animals only
- -> Mad Cow Disease in cattle
- -> Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans
General structure of Phospholipid Bilayer
- main constituent of cytoplasmic membrane
- -> separates cytoplasm from environment
- -> highly selective permeability barrier
- -> if broken…integrity of cell is destroyed
- possess both hydrophobic (fatty acids) & hydrophilic (glycerol-phosphate) components
- -> hydrocarbon chains (of fatty acid) points inward
- -> glycerol-phosphates point outward toward environment & cytoplasm
- 6-8 nm wide
- viewed from electron microscope…appears as 2 light-colored lines separated by a darker area
Describe in-depthly composition of Phospholipids
–> chemical make-up…
- consists of hydrophobic fatty acids (hydrocarbon chains) *esterified* to glycerol
- -> **removal of H20 between alcohol group (from glycerol) & caroxyl group (from 2 fatty acids OR 1 phosphoric acid)**
Cytoplasmic membrane Proteins
–> 2 types…
- Peripheal Proteins (extrinsic proteins)
- not embedded…but still associated with membrane surface
- some easily removed from changes in environment (pH, ionic strenght, etc…)
- typically on surface of membrane
- some may be bound to integral proteins…important cellular processes (energy metabolism, transport, etc…)
- -> some are *Lipoproteins*… proteins containing lipid tail that can anchor integral proteins
- Integral Proteins (intrinsic proteins)
- firmly embedded in membrane
- many span entire membrane but not all…possessing external & internal surfaces
- -> must be *ampipathic* (both hydrophilic & hydrophobic regions)…hydrophobic inside membrabe & hydrophilic internal/external surfaces of membrane
**Cytoplasmic proteins are arranged in clusters** (NOT being distributed evenly)
- -> allows grouping of proteins that interact or that have similar function
- -> Lipid bilayer varies in thickness (from 6 - 8 nm) to accommodate various patches of proteins
Cytoplasmic Membrane Function
- Permeability Barrier
- prevents leakage (which would distruct integrity of cell)
- functions as a gateway for transport of nutrients into and out of cell
- Protein Anchor
- site of many proteins involveed in transport, bioenergetics, signaling, & chemotaxis - Energy Conservation
- site of generation & use of proton motive force
- -> *Proton Motor Force* – membrance possesses a charge separation (in which protons & hydroxyl ions are separate across surface)… results in form of energy
- -> responsible for driving many energy-requiring functions in cell
- -> includes some forms of transport, motility, and biosynthesis of ATP
Proton Motive Force
- factor that gives cytoplasmic membrane ability to function as major site of E conservation in cell
- **membrane possess an energetically charged form in which protons (H+) are separated from hydroxyl ions (OH-) across its surface**
- -> charge separation is a form of E…analogous to potential E
- -> responsible for driving many E-requiring functions in cell…some forms of transport, motility, biosynthesis of ATP
- bc of charged membrane…charged molecules (even as small as a proton H+) canNOT passivle transport across membrane
- Eukaryotes possess **Sterols** in their membranes (while almost all prokaryotes do NOT)
- -> (exceptions… 2 prokaryotes that do possess Sterols – Mycoplasmas)
- -> Mycoplasmas lack cell walls…require Sterols to stabilize their membrane
- Steroles make up anywhere from 5% - 25% of total lipids in eukaryotic membranes
- Sterols are rigid planar molecules & the association of these with the membrane serves to *stabilize* its structure making it less flexible
- -> Fatty Acids are more flexible
- similar to Sterols…rigid, planar molecules which strengthen & stabilize membrane making it less flexible
- ***present in many Bacteria***
- -> NOT present in Archaea
- widely distributed example = *Diplotene (C30)*
Achaeal Membranes
- Archaea lipids are chemically unique
- -> possess ***Ether*** linkages between L-glycerol & their hydrophobic side chains…
- -> …Bacteria & Eukarya possess *Ester* linkages between D-glycerol & fatty acid hydrocarbon chains
- Archaea lipids lack fatty acids…
- -> … possess side chains of repeating units of parent 5-carbon hydrocarbon **Isoprene** [(c) of image @ bottom]
***it was 16S rRNA sequence differences that led Woese to discover Archaea as a new domain…distinct from Bacteria & Eukarya***
Major Lipids of Archaea
(both still possess repeating units of Isoprene side chains)
- ***Glycerol diethers***
- -> possess 20-C side chains… (4 linked Isoprene units)
- -> …*Phytanyl* – 20-C side chains
- ***Diglycerol Tetraethers***
- -> possess 40-C side chains… (8 linked Isoprene units)
- -> …*Biphytanyl* – 40-C side chains
- -> 2 phytanyl from each glycerol molecule are covalently bonded together – Tetraether actually called Di-biphytanyl diglycerol tetraether
- (in Tetraether lipids)…
- -> within a membrane, this structure yields a lipid ***monolayer***
- Lipid Monolayers are resistant to peeling apart
- -> monolayer membranes widespread among hyperthermophilic Archaea, prokaryotes…prevents cell lysis
Necessary Properties of Transport Proteins
- transport systems demonstrate **Saturation Effect**
- -> carrier proteins are saturable sometime even at low [solute]
- -> rate of uptake becomes maximal @ substrate saturation & addition of more solute does not increase the rate
- has high specificity
- -> many carrier protons react only with a single molecule
- -> others show affinities for closely related class of molecules (such as sugars; amino acids)
- biosynthesis of transport proteins is typically regulated by cell
- -> function of both nutrients present in environment & their concentrations
- -> particular nutrient may need to be transported by one transporter when at high [given nutrient]….and by a different (higher-affinity) transporter when at low [given nutrient]
Rate of Solute Entry
**Y axis : Si
**X axis: Time
- Initial velocities of transport: /\Si/ /\T
- velocities meased when Si is initially 0 & S0 is varied & rate is measured @ early times
- each line represents a different initial [solute] on outside, S0
- eventually *max velocity* is achieved
- -> arrow line would be same for S4, S5, S6, etc…
- -> Vmax of transport reached