Ch. 29 Structure and Function - Cardiovasular & Lymphatic Systems Flashcards
Which of the following is NOT a function of the pericardium?
Prevents displacement of the heart during gravitational acceleration or deceleration
Physical barrier that protects the heart against infection and inflammation
Contains pain receptors and mechanoreceptors that affect blood pressure
Lining that is continuous with the arteries, veins, and capillaries of the body
Lining that is continuous with the arteries, veins, and capillaries of the body
Which of the four chambers has the thickest wall? Left atrium Right atrium Left ventricle Right ventricle
Left ventricle
Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding blood flow through the heart?
Blood flows from the left atrium through the tricuspid valve to the left ventricle.
Blood flows from the right atrium through the aortic valve to the right ventricle.
Blood flows from the right ventricle through the pulmonic semilunar valve.
Blood flows from the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve.
Blood flows from the right ventricle through the pulmonic semilunar valve
Which of the following is the correct description of the A wave?
Generated by atrial contraction
Early diastolic peak caused by filling of the atrium
Produced due to the descent of the tricuspid valve ring
Reflects rapid flow of blood from the great veins and right atrium into right ventricle
Generated by atrial contraction
Which of the following arteries travels in the coronary sulcus between the left atrium and the left ventricle? Left anterior descending Circumflex Right coronary Left coronary
Which part of the heart is responsible for electrical impulse stimulation? Atrioventricular node Sinus node Bundle of His Right bundle branch
Sinus node
Which of the following represents the measure of time from the onset of atrial activation to the onset of ventricular activation? PR interval QRS complex ST interval QT interval
PR interval
Which of the following is a difference between cardiac and skeletal muscle fibers?
Cardiac fibers have only one nucleus and skeletal muscle fibers have many nuclei.
Cardiac fibers have a slower transmission than skeletal muscle fibers.
Cardiac fibers are arranged in parallel.
Cardiac fibers have fewer mitochondria than skeletal muscle fibers.
Cardiac fibers have only one nucleus and skeletal muscle fibers have many nuclei.
What is the appropriate term for the thick filaments of myosin that constitute a central dark band? A band I band Z line M line
A band
Which drugs have a major effect in decreasing the strength of cardiac contraction? Calcium channel blockers Narcotics (morphine) Adenosine Aspirin
Calcium channel blockers
Which two items are related in the Frank-Starling law of the heart?
Resting sarcomere length to tension generation
Resting sarcomere length to end-diastolic volume
Tension generation and left ventricular pressure
Tension generation and diastolic filling pressures
Resting sarcomere length to tension generation
Which of the following is the correct definition of preload?
Impedance to ejection of blood from the left ventricle
Wall tension that is related to internal blood vessel radius
Lower tension curve than normal.
Pressure generated by the end-diastolic volume
Pressure generated by the end-diastolic volume
Which of the following is the cardioinhibitory center? Sympathetic excitation Parasympathetic excitation Bainbridge reflex Baroreceptor reflex
Parasympathetic excitation
Which of the following hormones is released from atrial tissue in response to increases in blood volume? Epinephrine Norepinephrine Thyroid hormone Atrial natriuretic peptide
Atrial natriuretic peptide
What are the two factors that determine cardiac output?
Parasympathetic and sympathetic activity
Preload and afterload
Heart rate and stroke volume
Right and left atrial pressure
Heart rate and stroke volume
Which of the following is the source of nutrients for the blood vessels? Tunica intima Tunica media Adventitia Vasa vasorum
Vasa vasorum
Which of the following is the appropriate equation for mean arterial pressure?
MAP = diastolic + 1/3 (systolic – diastolic)
MAP = (P1 – P2) / resistance
MAP = pressure × radius/wall thickness
MAP = diastolic + 1/3 (systolic – diastolic)
Which of the following actions does NOT cause a release of renin?
Increase in blood pressure at the renal artery
Decrease in the amount of sodium delivered to the kidney
ß-Adrenergic stimuli
Low potassium concentration
Increase in blood pressure at the renal artery
What is the effect of angiotensin II? Vasodilation Vasoconstriction Inhibition of aldosterone Excretion of sodium at the kidney
Which of the following peptides has the function of regulation of sodium and water balance? Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) Urodilatin
Which of the following is NOT correct regarding autoregulation?
Blood vessels regulate their own blood flow.
In coronary circulation, pressure is between 60 and 180 mmHg.
Mechanism is well documented and is related to the sympathetic system.
Autoregulation ensures constant coronary blood flow.
Mechanism is well documented and is related to the sympathetic system.
Which of the following is TRUE regarding the thoracic duct?
Major source of venous return to the heart
Receives lymph from most of the body
Receives lymph from the right arm, head, and thorax
Dumps blood into the right atrium
Receives lymph from the most of the body