CH. 28 VOC Flashcards
arma, armōrum
n. pl. arms, weapons
cursus, -ūs
m. running, race; course
lūna, -ae
f. moon
occāsiō, occāsiōnis
f. occasion, opportunity
parēns, parentis
m./f. parent
stēlla, -ae
f. star, planet
vesper, vesperis or vesperī
m. evening; evening star
mortuus, -a, -um
prīnceps, g. prīncipis
chief, foremost; m./f. noun leader, emperor
conj. + subju. in order that, so that, that, in order to, so as to, to
adv. and conj. with subju. of command and purpose, not; in order that . . . not, that . . . not, in order not to
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessum
to go, withdraw; yield to, grant, submit
dēdicō, (1)
to dedicate
egeō, egēre, eguī
+ abl. or gen. to need, lack, want
expleō, explēre, explēvī, explētum
to fill, fill up, complete