Ch 28 Flashcards
normal flora
Strains of bacteria normally present in mouth, nose, skin, and GI tract.
Limit the growth of pathogens.
Can be killed by antibiotics, resulting in opportunistic infections.
opportunistic infections
Infections that occur from reduction of normal flora or in patients with compromised immune systems.
passive immunity
Occurs without activation of the immune system.
natural passive immunity
Conferred by maternal antibodies.
Lasts for first few months of life.
acquired passive immunity
Provided by injection of immunoglobulin (antibodies) for specific disease.
active immunity
Results from stimulation of immune system memory.
natural active immunity
On first exposure to pathogen. May not produce s/s.
Memory B and T cells.
induced active immunity
Developed through vaccination: live or weakened pathogens, or killed pathogens.
Not necessarily lifelong.
Very strong and able to overcome body defenses.
communicable disease
An infectious illness that can be transmitted.
Contaminated intermediary surface or object.
Animal or insect intermediary.
routes of infection
- direct contact
- airborne
- STIs (chlamydia, syphillis, herpes simplex, HPV, etc)
- bloodborne
- GI system (HepA, HepE)
- respiratory (Influenza, pneumonia)
- blood and fluids (HIV, HepB, HepC, HepD, HepG)
Sudden and severe
incubation period
Period between exposure and onset of s/s.
Or between periods of active disease.
window phase
Period between exposure and production of enough antibodies to be detectable (aka seroconversion).
disease period
Period that patient has signs & symptoms.
Ends when s/s resolve, or PT dies.
PT capable of spreading disease, despite lack of s/s.
nosocomial infection
Transmitted within the healthcare system.