ch 27.2 Flashcards
weathering is breakdown material and erosion removal of the materials
what is the difference between weathering and erosion
the river speed decreases
if a slope of the river decreases what happens to the river speed
are called tributaries
small streams that flow into larger rivers
drainage basin
land are that gathers water for a major river is called?
drainage divide
a boundary that seperates distinct drainage basins is called?
creating channels
as water flows downhill under the influence of gravity water erodes earths surface
V shaped
what shape do young rivers create in earths surface
mature river
what type of rivers are wide with smooth and gentle slopes
flood plains
when rivers drop sediment load what is that landform called
what are fan shape sediment that will form at the mouth river
what are the branching channels
alluvial fans
what is it called where the mouth of the river or stream enters dry land
valley glaciers continental glaciers
what are the 2 types of glaciers
form in high mountainous region
where do valley glaciers form
green land and antarctica
where are the 2 continental glaciers located
bowl shape basin
what is a cirque
long sharp ridgeline
what is an arete
sharpened peaks
what is a horn
hanging vallies
what do tributary glaciers create
small glaciers that feed into the large glaciers
what are tributary glaciers
v shaped
what shape of valleys do valley glaciers make
windward side
which side of a dune does erosion occur
leeward side
what side does deposition occur
leaving heavier particles behind
what is deflation
wind speed sediment supply
what does the shape and size of landforms depend on due to wind
coastal clifs sea stacks sea arches
what are 3 landforms created by wave erosion
sand bars sand spits
what are two examples of wave deposition
landforms that are parallel to the shoreline
what are sand bars
caused by snow heavy rains or human activity
what is mass wasting caused by
rock slide mud flows land slides
what are some examples of mass wastings