Ch 26: Role Transition Flashcards
Challenges of role transition.
Role discrepancy when there is a gap between role expectations and role performance.
No support from the manager or coworkers
Expectations are not clarified leading to further stress.
Ambiguity, overload and conflict are sources of stress that can be a challenge for nurses
Manager might lack knowledge in a certain branch.
Person who demonstrates and exercises power over others.
Recognizes the uniqueness of each patient and provides feedback on clinical progress.
Person with accountability for a group of people.
Nurses link the patient to the resources to achieve clinical outcomes.
Contributes to a group’s outcomes by implementing activities and providing appropriate feedback.
Nurse is accountable to the team and the supervisor for completing the work that is assigned.
ROLES Acronym
Responsibilities Opportunities Lines of communication Expectations Support
Role Transition Process
Role Preview Role Acceptance Role Exploration Role Discrepancy Role Development Role Internalization Unexpected Role Transition
Role Preview
Both parties present their best characteristics and dedicate much energy to developing the relationship.
Role Acceptance
both parties may agree to establish a relationship as employee and employer. Or one or both of the parties may decide not to establish the relationship.
formal commitment of the employment contract implies acceptance of the management role,
Role Exploration
Synonymous with excitement, happiness, and confidence.
Role Discrepancy
a gap between role expectations and role performance, causes discomfort and frustration.
resolved by either dissolving the relationship or by changing expectations and performance.
Role Developmemt
Choosing to change either role expectations or role performance or to change both is the process.
open communication can clarify expectations.
Role Internalization
Have learned the behaviors that maintain and nurture the relationship.
Energy to achieve mutual goals.
Unexpected Role Transition
the person may have to grieve before being able to engage in role transition.
Can go through the grieving process.
a legal document is prepared to formally dissolve the financial and social obligations between the persons involved.
Strategies to promote role Transition.
Strengthen internal resources.
Assess the organization’s resources, culture, and group dynamics. Negotiate the role. Grow with a mentor. Develop management knowledge and skills.
Internal Resources
A key strategy in promoting role transition is to recognize, use, and strengthen one’s values and beliefs.
If an individual in transition understands his or her own personal values, these will help the person respond to situations and relationships.
Organization Assessment
Smooth transition involves understands himself or herself, assesses the new environment, and learns how to communicate within groups.
new manager can keenly observe the rituals, accepted practices, and patterns of communication within the organization.
the same way, the manager who focuses on the weaknesses of the organization may lack the energy to internalize the new role, a step that is critical to being an effective leader.
Role Negotiation
Ask for input as to which expectations have the highest priorities. Explain personal and family expectations and clearly state the priority that meeting those expectations has.
Rewriting the unrealistic expectations to be achievable can reduce three common sources of role stress—ambiguity, overload, and conflict.
Role Expectations
are the attitudes and behaviors others anticipate that a person in the role will possess or demonstrate.
Role Stress
social condition in which role demands are conflicting, irritating, difficult, or impossible to fulfill.
Precursor to role strain.
associated with low productivity and performance.
Role Strain
the subjective feeling of discomfort experienced as the result of role stress.
need training and feedback to become valuable and effective to mentees. Skills such as assessing competence, providing constructive feedback, and goal development are critical to a mentor’s success.
Mentor can help provide exposure or opportunities.
mentor provides protection by absorbing negative feedback, sharing responsibility for controversial decisions, and teaching the unwritten rules about “how things are done around here.” These unwritten rules may be more important to job success than the written rules.
Mentor Relationship
Having Similar interests and motivation.
Mutual positive regard
Mentee will evaluate behaviors of mentor and emulate certain behaviors.
Management education
Hindered by specific knowledge deficit.
in-house educational programs assist novice nurse leaders transitioning into their new roles.
Formal education and orientation to the role, managing performance and development of staff and developing communication skills.
Unit finances and patient relations.