ch 26 pt3 Flashcards
define clast´s
they are small rocks and mineral fragments
what types of erosion are rocks on earthś surface exposed to?
what does it mean if clasts are being transported
its being moved from one point to anouther
define pore space
define compation
where they stick together due to weight
define containment
how are sedimentary rocks formed?
clast get compacted together causing cemementation
what is anouther name for clasts
sedimentary rock
what are sedimentary rocks called that are mostly made of clasts
what is the decressing size of clasts
which clasts size would be disposted first
what are the 4 common detril sedimitry rocks
how are chemial sedimitry rocks formed?
if sedimitriy rocks contain remain of living orginzims what are they called
fossles and bichemical sedimentry rocks
what are 2 common biochemical sedimentray rocks
lime stone and coal