Ch. 23 Disorders of Ventilation & Gas Exchange Flashcards
reduced arterial blood PO2 ( partial pressure of oxygen, how much oxygen in in the blood)
What are some things that can cause hypoxemia/Hypoxia?
- hypoventilation
- impaired diffusion of gases
- inadequate circulation of blood through pulmonary capillaries
- mismatching of ventilation and perfusion
- inadequate O2 in air you breathe
- respiratory disease problems
- neurological (head injury, not telling body to breathe)
not having exchange of oxygen at the alveolar area b/c of fluid
what sympathetic compensation occurs with hypoxemia?
- increase HR
- mild increase in BP brought on by vasoconstriction
Early Symptoms of Hypoxia
Late Symptoms of Hypoxia
Extreme restlessness
Dyspnea (sever)
Symptoms of Hypoxia in Pediatrics
Feeding difficulty Inspiratory stridor Nares flare Expiratory grunting Sternal retractions
complete deprivation of oxygen
Central Cyanosis
tongue and lips
Peripheral Cyanosis
extremities, tip of nose, tip of ears
- increase in carbon dioxide (PCO2) in blood
- increase CO2 will increase blood pH = Acidosis
Causes of Hypercapnia
- hypoventilation (narcotics, pulmonary illness, trauma, obesity, sleep apnea)
- mismatch of ventilation and perfusion
what are the two main determinants of how we get oxygen percentage?
-ventilation and perfusion (how much blood is reaching the alveoli)
A mismatch of ventilation and perfusion will cause…
increase CO2 and decreased O2
Respiratory Acidosis S/S
- hypoventilation —-> hypoxia
- rapid, shallow respirations
- decrease BP with vasodilation
- dyspnea
- headache
- hyperkalemia
- dysrhythmias (increased potassium)
- drowsiness, dizziness, disorientation
- ” I cant catch my breath”
- muscle weakness, hyperreflexia
Respiratory Acidosis Causes
- decreased respiratory stimuli (anesthesia, drug overdose)
- pneumonia
- atelectasis
What is atelectasis?
-incomplete expansion of a lung or portion of a lung
how can we open up alveoli?
- sit up
- deep breathing
- cough
- Incentive Spirometer
Respiratory Alkalosis S/S
- seizures
- deep, rapid breathing
- hyperventilation
- tachycardia
- low or normal BP
- hypokalemia
- lethargy & confusion
- light headedness
- nausea, vomiting
Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis
- hyperventilation (anxiety, PE, Fear)
- mechanical ventilation (machine breathing too fast)
Parietal Pleura
-outside pleura layer on the lung
Visceral Pleura
-inside pleura layer, touching the lung
pulmonary surfactant
-the serous fluid between the parietal and visceral pleura that allows the lungs to expand comfortably
Pleuritis (Pleurisy)
- inflammation of the parietal layer
- pain will be localized and increased with respirations, not a continuous pain
why do we yawn/sign?
to release surfactant
what do you worry about with a collapsed lung?
is it putting pressure on the heart?