Ch 22 Population and Evolutionary Genetics Flashcards
- Evolution: consequence of changes in genetic material through mutation and changes in allele frequencies in populations over time
- Union of population genetics with theory of natural selection generated new view of evolutionary process
(neo-Darwinism). - Speciation: formation of new species caused by mutation, migration, and drift
Micro and Macroevolution
– Evolutionary changes within populations of species Macroevolution
–Evolutionary events leading to emergence of new species and other taxonomic groups
Genetic Variation Is Present In Most Populations and Species
- populations
–Group of individuals belonging to same species
–Live in same geographic area
–Actually or can potentially interbreed
Population Gene Pool
- All alleles present in population
- Genetic information carried by members of population
- Most populations contain high degree of heterozygosity.
Variations in Nucleotide Sequence
Most direct way to estimate genetic variation in a population
- Compare nucleotide sequences of genes carried by individuals in population.
The Hardy–Weinberg Law Describes Allele Frequencies and Genotype Frequencies in Populations
Hardy–Weinberg law
- Describes what happens to allele and genotype frequencies in “ideal” populations
- “Ideal” population
- There is an equal rate of survival and reproduction (no selection).
- No new alleles arise or are created by mutation.
- No migration into or out of population occurs.
- Population is infinitely large.
- Random mating occurs.
Hardy–Weinberg Model
Uses Mendelian principles of segregation and simple probability to explain relationship between allele and genotype frequencies in population
ex: Single autosomal allele with two alleles: A, a
Frequency of A= 0.7 and a= 0.3. (Note: A+a= 1)
AA= (0.7) × (0.7) = 0.49 means the AA genotype will occur 49 percent of the time.
Aa= (0.7) × (0.3) (2) = 0.42 or 42 percent will be heterozygous.
aa= (0.3) × (0.3) = 0.09 or 9 percent will be recessive.
Hardy-Weinberg Assumptions
- Allele frequencies in our population do not change from one generation to the next.
- After one generation of random mating, genotype frequencies for two alleles are calculated as:
p2+2pq+ q2=1
p equals frequency of allele A.
q is frequency of allele a (Figure 22-4)
Hardy–Weinberg law—additional consequences
– Dominant traits do not necessarily increase from one generation to next.
– By knowing the frequency of one genotype, the frequencies of other genotypes can be calculated.
- If given p, can solve for q (and vice-versa)
The Hardy–Weinberg Law Can Be Applied to Human Populations
– Analysis of susceptibility to HIV-1 infection
– Based on CCR5 gene
Encodes protein CCR5—receptor for strains of HIV-1
Allele exists in population that has a deletion of portion of gene (Δ32)
– Homozygous individuals resistant to HIV-1 infection
– Heterozygotes susceptible to infection but progress more slowly to AIDS
Testing for Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium in a Population
Table 22.2: Two methods for computing frequencies of alleles in population surveyed for CCR5 genotypes
1) Counting alleles
2) From genotype frequencies
Genotype frequencies are predicted to fit p2+2pq+q2= 1 relationship.
Hardy-Weinberg with Multiple Alleles
Frequencies for multiple alleles
–Calculated by adding additional variables to Hardy–Weinberg equation
–Example: situation involving three alleles
p+q+r= 1
Frequencies of genotypes given by
(p+q + r)2=p2+q2+r2+ 2pq+ 2pr+ 2qr=1
Ex: of genotype freq calculations for multiple alleles
–ABO blood type
Natural Selection Is a Major Force Driving Allele Frequency Change
Natural selection
– Major force driving allele freq change
– Chief mechanism for transforming populations
– Principal force that shifts allele freq within large populations
Wallace—Darwin concept of natural selection
- Individuals exhibit variations in phenotype.
- Variations are heritable (passed on).
- Organisms tend to reproduce in exponential fashion.
- More offspring are produced than can survive. - Some phenotypes are more successful at survival and reproduce at higher rates.
Wallace-Darwin Natural Selection (cont.)
As a consequence of natural selection, populations and species change.
– Phenotypes that confer improved ability to survive and reproduce become more common.
– Phenotypes that confer poor prospects for survival and reproduction may disappear.
Fitness and Selection
Hardy–Weinberg analysis allows fitness (w) to be examined for each genotype.
–Fitness: individual’s genetic contribution to future generations
–Homozygous recessive individual who dies before producing offspring: w = 0
Frequency of recessive allele will decrease in each generation. (Figure22-7)