Ch 21. Perodization Flashcards
- Optimizing performance at predetermined points or maintain
-Structure training interventions to target development of specific physiological & performance
. Managing the training stressors to reduce the potential of developing the OTS.
What is OTS
overtraining syndrome
What is GAS
General Over training Syndrom
How many phases of GAS? What are they.
- Alarm Phase
- Resistance phase
- Exhaustion Phase
What is an Alarm Phase?
1st response to a new or more intense stress experienced by the body.
- Performance generally decreases
- An accumulation of Fatigue, soreness and stiffness or reduction of energy stores
- may last hours days or weeks
What is a résistance phase
- The body adapts to the stimulus & returns to a normal functional capacity.
- Adaptive responses occurring during this phase can further elevate an athlete’s
What is Exhaustion phase?
-> characterized by an inability to adapt to the imposed stressors.
How will exhaustion phase present itself? and how is it reached?
a. same symptoms experienced during the alarm phase.
b. overreaching ( if used properly, It can be a good thing) or overtraining responses.
What is overreaching?
tactfully planed over training
What is SFRA
Stimulus-Fatigue-Recovery-Adaptation Theory.
extension of the GAS.
-. supercompensation cycle
What are the Four Phase of SFRA and what they consist of?
Stimulus Phase (or exercise)
• Homeostasis is disturbed.
2. Fatigue Phase
• 1st phase(!) Of the SFRA Theory.
• The greater the overall magnitude of the workload encountered, the more fatigue accumulates.
3. Recovery Phase
• 2nd phase of the SFRA or compensation phase.
• Homeostasis must be restored.
• The more fatigue accumulates, the longer delay
before complete recovery.
• It is not always necessary to reach a state of
complete recovery before engaging in a new
training bout or session.
4. Adaptation Phase
• 3rd phase of the SFRA or supercompensation
• New, higher level of homeostasis.
• The more fatigue accumulates, the longer the delay before adaptation can occur.
What is a supercompensation cycle?
Is the direct transposition of the GAS into the theory & methodology of training & deals with
the association between training load & regeneration as the
biological basis for physical arousal
What is Glycogen Supercompensation, and what are the two approaches?
Carb loading.
Classic - more extreme in terms carb depleation and exci int.
Modified- start - Not as extreme and safer than classical methode
What is Peaking?
Is the attempt to achieve maximum
performance at a specific time, usually a major competition.
what Peaking related to?
Is related to a composite aggregation of all conditioning stimuli & sports practice that result in
optimal or record performance in the athlete’s sport at a specific point in time.
what shoud oe consider what designing programs for Peaking?
1 Frequency
- Timing
- Duration of peaking
What is the fatigue-fitness Pradigm?
Partially explains the relationships among fitness, fatigue, & preparedness.
• Fitness & fatigue, the 2 aftereffects of training in this paradigm, summate & exert
an influence on the preparedness of the athlete.
o Fitness + Fatigue = influence on Preparedness
According to the fatigue-fitness Pradigm a High training loads result in?
Both elevated fatigue & fitness levels, & a reduction in preparedness
According to the fatigue-fitness Pradigm a low training loads result in?
Minimal fitness & fatigue, & a low level of preparedness.
______ dissipates
faster than ______& therefore allows for _____ preparedness with use of
appropriate training strategies.
Is it better to train hard or be rested a for the few days prior to a match? what does each do to distance cover and glycogen stores during the game?
-. greated distance covered ( esp during 2nd period) and more muscle glycogen stores
what is over training?
Is an excessive frequency, volume, and/or intensity of training
without sufficient rest, recovery, & nutrient intake
What does Over training result in?
Result in long-term decrements in performance with or
without associated physiological & psychological signs &
symptoms of maladaptation
An increase in the training stimuli to create a decrease in performance that is followed by a supercompensation response
What is FOR and how long does it usually last for?
Functional over reaching.
Days to weeks.
Excessive training that leads to short-term decrements in performance.
What is NFOR? How long does it usually last for?
Nonfuntional- overreaching.
Weeks to months.
state of extreme overreaching that an athlete can evolve into when the intensification of
a training stimulus continues without adequate recovery & regeneration.
Signs & Symptoms of Overtraining
Excessive sweating.
→ Inability to recover optimally following intensive exercise.
→ Loss of desire & enthusiasm for exercise training (feelings of helplessness).
→ Breakdown of technique.
→ Poor concentration.
→ Loss of appetite.
→ Loss of body weight.
→ Disturbed sleep often with nightmares or vivid dreams.
→ Increased susceptibility to injuries.
→ Menstrual irregularities, even cessation of menstruation.
→ Susceptibility to infections, especially of the skin & upper respiratory tract.
→ Increased rates of allergies.
→ Minor scratches may heal more slowly