CH 203 Midterm 1 Flashcards
Similarities between Marco Rubio and Costica Bradatan
-Both came from communist areas
-Both come from humble origins
Differences between Marco Rubio and Costica Bradatan
-Marco Rubio immigrant from Cuba, believes in hard-work ethic and American values
-Costica Bradatan immigrant from Romania, believes in attempt at utopia will bring us closer to failure
Marco Rubio’s view on U.S.A and success
-Has a debt to America to repay
-We should use this opportunity and not let it taken for granted
-We are children of people who didn’t give up
How is utopia the bad flipside of exceptionalism?
He describes it as fear of failure at the heart of the American dream.
What does John Winthrop mean by covenant with God?
We are in a covenant with God in order to be redeemed from Sin.
What does John Winthrop mean by City on a Hill?
A community that others will look up to.
Predestination: Elect/Election
Elect means pre chosen by God
Ex: If she provided food maybe she is an elect, not she did this therefore she earned being an elect
Self vs. Community and wealth
As a Puritan you are expected to give and help the community
Scourge and Work ethic
How is Mary Rowlandson an illustration of Puritan ideas
She perceives the Indians as mere instruments used by God to punish his people for breaking their special covenant as his chosen people
Mary Rowlandson bestseller in Revolutionary period and American story
First captivity narrative, read throughout N.E and popular during revolutionary period
How does she manages challenges as an author
She trusts in God through all the challenges “God’s power is as great as now, and as sufficient to save”
Deception of Native Americans
Scourge or Devil’s allies
Test of faith or proof of faith?
Meaning of food
Eats captive’s food, changes to being used to the food, able to eat without feeling nausea is viewed as a blessing from God
Puritan Crime and Punishment
-Trials created
-Spying (couldn’t live by yourself)
-Betty and Abigail first accused
-Sentenced to Rhode Island
How is Anne Hutchinson accused
-Breaking 5th Commandment
-Holding Improper meetings
-Speaking ill of Puritan ministers
How does Anne Hutchinson defend herself
-Composed and knowledge of the Bible
Great Awakening
-Increasing Wealth and Population
-Limited number of official ministers
-1/5 going to Church
New vs. Old Lights
New Lights: Those who adopted new ideas
Old Lights: Those who kept old ideas/traditions
How does Edward’s God feel about different sections of society?
-Intellectual faith not enough, being moved emotionally and aesthetically
Key aspects of Enlightenment Thought
-Rational thinking (less religious more secular)
-Man = thinking animal
-Overthrow old systems
“Common Sense” style of argument
-Scientific / persuasive / stating facts
Common sense Law as king
To the individual the law is king
Crevecoeur “What is an American” Melting pot
-We as a nation have many different people and ideologies
Crevecoeur “What is an American” Safety value
-Moving to the west provides safety and shapes American identity
Crevecoeur “What is an American” Regionalism
Men are like plants - the goodness and flavor of the fruit from the peculiar soil and exposition causes them to grow
Crevecoeur “What is an American” view of individualism/self-interest
A county of/for the poor
Crevecoeur “What is an American” Ideal of the farmer
Farmers take pride in the small little things (“simplest log-houses is dry and comfortable habitation”) and work hard