Ch. 2 - Workforce Safety and Wellness (Wellbeing of the EMT) Flashcards
Acute Stress Reactions
Reactions to stress that occur during a traumatic situation
Aerosol-Generating Procedure
Treatments that increase the risk for transmission of infections that are spread through the air or by droplets; CPR is an example
Airborne Transmission
coughing, sneezing, the spread via droplets or dust
Bloodborne pathogens
present in human blood and can cause disease in humans, these pathogens include hepatitis B virus and HIV
A combination of exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced performance resulting from long term job stress in healthcare an other high stress professions
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The primary federal agency that conducts and supports public health activities in the United States. The CDC is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services.
communicable disease
a disease that can be spread from one person or species to another
compassion fatigue
a stress disorder characterized by gradual lessening of compassion over time
the use of objects to limit a persons ability to see you.
the presence of infectious organisms on or in objects such as dressings, water, food, needles, wounds, or a patients body
the tactical use of an impenetrable barrier for protection
critical incident stress management (CISM)
A process that confronts the responses to critical incidents and defuses them, directing the emergency services personnel toward physical and emotional equilibrium
cumulative stress reactions
prolonged or excessive stress
delayed stress reactions
reactions to stress that occur after a stressful situation.
designated officer
the individual in the department who is charged with the responsibility of managing exposures and infection control issues.