CH 2 - Suffixes, Basic Rules for Plural Forms Flashcards
specialist in a field of study
condition of
medical specialty
study of
pertaining to the heart
pertaining to the voice
pertaining to the nucleus
pertaining to saliva
like or resembling mucus
pertaining to anatomy
-ical (ic + al)
pertaining to electricity
pertaining to the male
pertaining to the lymphatic system
pertaining to circulation
pertaining to the skin (from L. cutis: skin)
singular ending -a (vertebra)
plural ending -ae (vertebrea)
singular ending -en (lumen)
plural ending -ina (lumina)
singular ending -ex, ix, yx (matrix)
plural ending -ices (matrices)
singular ending -is (diagnosis)
plural ending -es (diagnoses)
singular ending -ma (stigma)
plural ending -mata (stigmata)
singular ending -nx, anx, inx, ynx (phalanx)
plural ending -nges (phalanges)
singular ending -on (ganglion)
plural ending -a (ganglia)
singular ending -um (serum)
plural ending -a (sera)
singular ending -us (thrombus)
plural ending -i (thrombi)