Ch 2 Stress Flashcards
- Stress is response to negative and pleasurable physical challenges and achievement of personal goals.
- Cluster of physical and psychological responses
What is Stress
Stress refers to: Physical Reactions & Emotional Reactions
Stressor - Physical or psychological event that triggers physical and emotional reactions.
Stress Response - The reactions themselves.
How We Experience Stress - Each person is different depends on many factors: nature of the stressor, how it is percieved
Short Term & Long Term Response
Two Systems in Your Body Responsible for Physical Response:
Two Divisions of Autonomic Nervous System
Parasympathetic Division
Sympathetic Division
How do the Sympathetic Nervous System & Endocrine System Work Together in an Emergency?
Fight-or-Flight Reaction?
What is the Return to Homeostasis?
What is Cortisol?
What are Enforphins?
Fight-or-Flight in Modern Life?
What are some Effective & Ineffective Responses to stress?
Endocrine System
What is the Somatic Nervous System?
Personality Types:
What is a Hardy Personality?
What is Resilance Personality Traits?
Nonreactive Resilience?
What is Homeostatic Resilience?
What is Positive Growth Resilience?
Difference Between How Men & Women Cope With Stress?
What is (GAS) General Adaptation Syndrome?
What are the Three Stages?
What is Allostatic Load?
What is (PNI) Psychoneuroimmunology?
What is Chronic Stress?
Links Between Stress & Specific Conditions?
What is Acute Stress?
Cardiovascular Disease?
What Psycological Problems are Associated with Stress?
What is Altered Immune Function?
What are Tension Headaches?
What are Migraine Headaches and What Causes Them?
What are Cluster Headaches and What Causes Them?
What Other Health Problems Can be Caused by Stress?
What are Some Common Sources of Stress?
What are Some Social Stressors?
Ways to Manage Stress?
What is (REM) Rapid Eye Movement Sleep?
What is (non-REM) Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep?
What is Sleep Deprivation?
What is Insomnia and What Causes it?
What is Sleep Apnea and What Causes it?
How Does Time Management Help Stress?
How Does Spiritual Wellness Help Stress?
After several weeks of not sleeping well, Betty made an appointment with her physician. The physician asked Betty if she drank caffeine or alcohol before bed or experienced a stressful event. By answering “yes” to some of these questions, Betty may be diagnosed with?
As Samantha went through the ______________ sleep cycle, she experienced a decrease in blood pressure; slowing of heart rate and respiration; growth hormone release; slow and even brain wave patterns; and a decrease in body temperature.
non-rapid eye movement
Stress brought on by an unpleasant stressor is called?
Tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs are _________ strategies to cope with stress.
Another name for the neurotransmitter norepinephrine is?
_____________ is secreted by the cortex of the adrenal gland prompted by the nerves of the autonomic nervous system.
Physical activity is a beneficial method to reduce stress. To complement physical activity, good healthy _______ provide(s) an additional energy bank to draw from when experiencing stress.
eating habits
You are involved in a football game. A member of the opposing team falls and appears to be in severe pain. The _______ division of the autonomic nervous system is engaged.
An individual with which personality type is relaxed and contemplative?
Type B personality
During which of the following would the neurotransmitter norepinephrine most likely be released?
during an emergency
At a well-attended social event, your roommate approches and confronts you in a hostile manner in front of yoru friends. What phase of the general adaptation syndrome will you experience?
Another name for cortisol is
Hormones are transported in the bloodstream to _______, ______ for specific activites.
organs, target cells
The symphathetic division is active during times of _________.
According to the American Psychological Association, ____% of adult Americans suffer from physical symptoms related to stress.
One function of hormones is to influence?
An interaction between the nervous system and the endocrine system affects the immune system. The study of the interactions amoung the three systems is called?
As much as Steve tries to control his response to stressors, he understands that emotional responses are influenced by his
The relaxation technique called vizualization enables a person to ______without guilt.