Ch. 2 Review Questions Flashcards
Review Questions.
1. What directive contains instructions for typing standard letters?
a. SECNAV M-5216.5
Review Questions.
2. What item is the best example of the correct format of a Secret document serial number?
b. Ser 00/S123
Review Questions.
3. What is the correct formatting of the Signature blocks on a JOINT LETTER?
d. Ending flush with the right margin with the most junior official beginning on the left margin
Review Questions.
4. Which of the following publications provides guidance for Navy awards?
b. SECNAVINST 1650.1
Review Questions.
5. What does the acronym NDAWS stand for?
d. Navy Department Awards Web Service
Review Questions.
6. In general, who retains awarding authority for all awards under the Department of the Navy?
d. Secretary of the Navy
Review Questions.
7. What document governs performance evaluation reports in the Navy?
a. Navy Performance Evaluation and Counseling Manual, BUPERSINST 1610.10
Review Questions.
8. When may a periodic Fitness Report or Evaluation be omitted?
b. If the period of the report is less than 3 months
Review Questions.
9. What type of FITREP or EVAL report provides a record of significant performance that cannot be directly observed by the regular reporting senior?
a. Concurrent
Review Questions.
10. What directive provides procedures and responsibilities for effectively developing, managing, and using the reports and forms programs within the Department of the Navy?
c. Department of the Navy Information Requirements (Reports) Manual, SECNAV M-5214.1
Review Questions.
11. What Navy term is defined as a collection of data or information used to determine policy; to plan, control and evaluate operations and performance; and to make administrative determinations?
d. Report
Review Questions.
12. What is the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) form number for the Report Analysis form?
c. 5214/10
Review Questions.
13. Each request to collect information from the public must be approved by whom?
a. Office of Management and Budget
Review Questions.
14. The submission of reports are based on what factors?
d. Timing and frequency
Review Questions.
15. What type of report conveys a similar type of information at prescribed intervals/
c. Recurring
Review Questions.
16. What publication is the Navy and Marine Corps Records Management Program Manual?
a. SECNAV M-5210.1
Review Questions.
17. What United States Code (USC) defines records as all documentary material, including books, papers, maps, photographs, machine readable materials, or other documentary materials?
d. Title 44
Review Questions.
18. Who is authorized to establish, maintain, and operate records centers for government agencies?
b. Federal Records Center
Review Questions.
20. To what person on board a submarine does the ship’s yeoman submit the muster report to?
a. Chief of the boat
Review Questions.
21. Who is ultimately responsible for ensuring the proper compilation of Special Program Package data?
d. The service member applying for the program