Ch. 2 Implement and manage storage. Flashcards
How are storage accounts managed?
Through the Azure Resource Manager.
How are storage accounts authenticated and authorized?
Through Azure Active Directory and RBAC.
Azure storage account
- contains all of your Azure Storage data objects (blob, file shares, queues, tables, and disks)
- provides a unique namespace for your Azure Storage data that’s accessible from anywhere in the world over HTTP and HTTPS
- data in the storage account is durable and highly available, secure, and massively scalable
the combination of the account name and the service endpoint
Storage firewall
allows you to limit access to specific IP addresses or an IP address range
- by limiting access to the IP address range of your company, access from other locations will be blocked
- service endpoints are used to restrict access to specific subnets within an Azure VNet
Where do you configure the storage firewall using Azure portal?
- open the storage account blade
- Click Firewalls and virtual networks
- Under All Access From, click Selected Networks to reveal the Firewall and Virtual Network settings
Address space for storage firewall
When creating a storage firewall, you must use public Internet IP address space. You cannot use IPs in the private IP address space.
How do you access the storage account via the Internet?
Use the storage firewall to specify the Internet-facing source IP addresses.
Benefits of using network service endpoints
- allows you to remove access from the public Internet and only allow traffic from a virtual network for improved security
- optimized routing - service endpoints create a direct network route from the virtual network to the storage service
Configuring service endpoints
Step 1. create the route from the subnet to the storage service
Step 2. configure which virtual networks can access a particular storage account
How do you enable anonymous user access in Blob storage?
you much change the container access level
by default no public read access is enabled for anonymous users
Blob Storage access levels
the access level is configured separately on each blob container
Blob Storage access levels - Private
only the storage account owner can access the container and its blobs, no one else has access
Blob Storage Access levels - Blob
only blobs within the container can be accessed anonymously
Blob Storage access levels
only blobs within the container can be accessed anonymously
Blob Storage access levels Container
blobs and their containers can be accessed anonymously
Shared Access Signature token (SAS token)
a URI query string parameter that grants access to specific containers, blobs, queues, and tables
use a SAS token to grant access to a client that shouldn’t have access to the entire contents of the storage account (and storage account keys) but still requires secure authentication
grant access to a specific resource, for a specified period of time, and with a specified set of permissions
used to read and write the data to users’ storage accounts
used to copy blobs or files to another storage account
only use HTTPS because active SAS tokens provide direct authentication to your storage account, you must use a secure connection to distribute SAS token URIs
Types of services within a storage account
provides highly scalable service for storing arbitrary data objects such as text or binary data
provides a NoSQL-style store for storing structured data
tables in Azure storage do not require a fixed schema, different entries in the same table can have different fields
reliable message queuing between application components
managed files shares that can be used by Azure VMs or on-premises servers
persistent storage volume for Azure VM which can be attached as a virtual hard disk
Types of Storage Blobs
- Block Blobs
- Append Blobs
- Page Blobs: used to store VHD files when deploying unmanaged disks (older disk storage technology for Azure virtual machines, managed disks are recommended for new deployments)