Ch. 2 Genetics, Epigenetics, and the Brain: Flashcards
the inheritance of traits begins with conception when a man’s
sperm fertilizes a woman’s egg,
the physical structures
that are the vehicles of inheritance from the mother.
The ovum’s nucleus is surrounded by a great deal of cellular material
The sperm’s chromosomes become part of the nuclear material in the
fertilized ovum,
23 pairs of chromo-
somes. One member of each pair comes from the mother (ovum) and one from the
father (sperm). Twenty-two of these pairs are matched and are called autosomes
X chromosomes
in female zygotes, the 23r pair consists of two matched chromosomes
Y chromosome
but male zygotes have a mismatched pair.
They have an X chromosome from their mothers but a much
smaller Y chromosome
the growing organism migrates down the mother’s fallopian tube, into the uterus, and may succeed in implantation,
attaching itself to
the uterine lining, which makes further growth and development possible.
It was a term to describe the emergence of different outcomes from the same hereditary material, which all seemed rather mysterious
Biologists now define epigenesis more specifically as the set of processes by which factors outside of hereditary material itself
can influence how hereditary material functions
is the full set of factors,from the cell to the outside world,that controls the expression of hereditary mate-
rial. “The activity of the genes can be affected through the cytoplasm of the cell by events originating at any other level in the system, including the external environ-
Heredity and environment are engaged from the very beginning in an intricate dance,
epigenetic model
a multidimensional theory. He expands the concept of epigenesis, describing it as the emergence of structural and functional properties and competencies as a function of the coaction of hereditary and environmental
factors, with these factors having reciprocal effects, “meaning they can influence each