Ch. 2 EMR Book: Workforce Safety and Wellness Flashcards
What are two of the most important things you need to do to fulfill duties as an EMR?
Maintain a healthy physical condition
Reduce unnecessary stress
How can you reduce unnecessary stress?
Learn to recognize signs and symptoms of stress
Adjust to a lifestyle with stress-reducing activities
Learn what services and resources are available to help
What are the five stages of grief?
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
What are the three components of stress management?
- Recognizing stress
- Preventing stress
- Reducing stress
What are some signs and symptoms of stress?
Irritability, difficulty sleeping or nightmares, indecisiveness, guilt, inability to concentrate, isolation, feelings of hopelessness, drug misuse or abuse, loss of interest in things, etc
What are the three tips to prevent stress?
- Eat- maintain a healthy and well balanced diet
- Drink- avoid dehydration by drinking enough water and avoid excessive amounts of alcohol and caffeine
- Be merry- learn to balance your lifestyle between work and off-duty life
What mental health professionals can help you reduce stress?
Psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and specifically trained clergy
How can you get in touch with a mental health professional if you’re experiencing continuing signs of stress?
Contacting an employee assistance representative to make use of the department’s employee assistance program covered by medical insurance
Critical incident stress management (CISM)
Process that confronts the responses to critical incidents and defuses them
Directs emergency services personnel toward physical and emotional equilibrium
Preincident stress education
Training about stress and stress reactions conducted for public safety personnel before they’re exposed to stressful situations
On-scene peer support
Stress counselors at the scene of stressful incidents who help emergency personnel deal with stress
Critical incident stress debriefing (CISD)
System of psychological support designed to reduce stress on emergency personnel after a major stress-producing incident
What does critical incident stress management (CISM) consist of?
- Preincident stress education
- On-scene peer support
- Critical incident stress debriefing (CISD)
Crew resource management (CRM)
Set of procedures for a situation where human error can have disastrous consequences
Empowers teamwork with effective communication, team situational awareness, and patient and crew safety
What is the PACE mnemonic in relation to crew resource management (CRM)?
Probe- make sense of the situation and confirm the problem
Alert- communicate the problem to the team leader
Challenge- suggest an alternative solution of the issue is not corrected
Emergency- immediately communicate the emergency to the entire team especially if there’s an imminent and serious danger
What are some hazards that need to be recognized and their risk minimized?
Infectious diseases, traffic, crime, violence crowds, electrical hazards, fire, hazardous materials, unstable objects, sharp objects, animals, environmental conditions, and special rescue situations
What are some examples of infectious diseases that you need to be cautious of?
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), AIDS, tuberculosis, and hepatitis
What are the three most common routes for transmission of infectious diseases?
Direct contact, airborne pathogens, and bloodborne pathogens
How would a disease be spread by direct contact?
Through direct contact with a patient’s skin, contaminated clothing, or towels
What is an example of a disease that can be spread by direct contact?
Where do most MRSA infections occur?
Health care settings like hospitals, dialysis centers, and nursing homes
Standard precautions
An infectious control concept that treats all body fluids as potentially infectious