Ch 2 - At the clinic Flashcards
Where were you born?
?Donde nacio usted?
How many grandchildren do you have?
?Cuantos nietos tiene?
How can I help you?
?En que puedo ayudarle?
Good morning. Tell me the reason for your visit.
Buenos dias. Digame la razon de su visita por favor.
What brings you to the office today?
?A que viene a la oficina hoy?
i’m here to see the doctor.
Vengo a ver al doctor.
I’m here to have blood drawn.
Vengo a sacarme sangre.
I’m here for my annual physical.
Vengo a mi examen anual.
I need to see the nurse.
Necesito ver a la enfermera.
I need a prescription.
Necesito una receta (prescripcion).
I’m here to get my referral.
Vengo por mi referimiento.
I’m here to drop off some papers.
Vengo a entregar unos papeles.
Do you have insurance?
?Tiene aseguranza (seguro medico)?
What kind of insurance do you have?
?Que tipo de aseguranza tiene?
Do you have your insurance card?
?Tiene su tarjeta de aseguranza?
How long have you had you insurance card?
?Desde cuando la tiene?
How long have you had it?
When did the insurance card expire?
?Cuando se le vencio?
When did it expire?
Do you have any other kind of insurance?
?Tiene algun otro tipo de aseguranza?