Ch. 2 Approches to Learning and Teaching Flashcards
the presentation of a stimulus to increase responding
Positive Reinforcement
The removal of a stimulus or taking away something that is unpleasant to increase responding
Negative reinforcement
Toys, games, and privileges are examples of…
Positive reinforcement
turning off the music in the classroom in order to increase student work or removing a scowl at a student until the student works is an example of
negative reinforcement
Learning that takes place through negative reinforcement is called
avoidance learning
activities that are reinforcing to the student (music, coloring, etc…)
Internal/intrinsic reinforcers
a previously neutral behavior that is paired with a reinforcer and therefore takes on reinforcing properties of its own.
secondary reinforcers
praise and attention are examples of….
secondary reinforcers
teaching students to recognize their achievements….
intrinsic reinforcer
reinforcing responses that are more and more closely approximate the target behavior…
If one activity occurs more frequently that another, the more frequently occurring activity can be used as a reinforcer to increase the rate of the less frequently occurring activity (making one activity contingent upon the other)….
The Premack Principle.
a group of students is either reinforced or loses reinforcement, contingent on the behavior of the entire group or of a target student in the group.
Group Contingencies
an agreement between two or more persons that specifies their behaviors and consequences.
Contingency Contracting
The removal of reinforcement following a behavior (during this time the target behavior will increase in rate or intensity before decreasing….
Extinction (aka ignoring)
a record of frequency and/or duration of the behavior before implementing the intervention, and continue to record data after intervention is implemented.
Baseline Data