Ch. 2 Add #4 Lobby Control Unit Flashcards
What are the duties of the Lobby Control Unit?
• Assume control of elevators and provide operators
• Ensure that all elevators that terminate at the lobby are recalled and searched
• Establish controls to account for personnel exiting and entering the elevators
• Provide resources to transport personnel to upper floors as required
• The LCU shall take on the duties of the Systems Control Unit when directed by the IC
Upon what signal will a dispatcher special call a Lobby Control Unit?
• Upon transmission of signal 10-76, the dispatcher shall special call a designated unit to perform the duties of the Lobby Control Unit.
The Company Officer shall don the ICS vest with the insert of what designation?
• The Company Officer assigned as Lobby Control Unit Leader shall don the ICS vest with the insert “LOBBY CONTROL UNIT LEADER”
While Responding The Lobby Control Unit leader shall ascertain what info from where?
Ascertain the identity and designation of the units that have responded, or are responding to the incident from the:
• MDT printout
- On arrival promptly report to the Incident Commander
* The LCUL shall verify the location of the following:
4.2. Fire Floor Forward Staging Area SAE Post Forward Triage Area
12 Bullets on Lobby Control Units responsibilities:
- The LCUL shall be stationed at the elevator lobby. They will maintain control of all elevators from this location
- All elevator operation shall be conducted as per Training Bulletins Emergencies 1
- Ensure all elevator cars are recalled and searched. Report results to the IC
- Determine the correct bank of elevators for transporting personnel to upper floors in consultation with the IC
- Ensure that elevator cars are staffed as needed
- Relieve OV from first alarm units operating elevators
- Ensure that a reliable communications link and tools are provided for each elevator car
- Ensure that elevator operators know the location of the stairway in relation to elevator cars
- Record units entering elevators and their destination
- Ensure elevators are not overloaded or overcrowded
- Contact elevators that have not been heard from within a reasonable amount of time
- If possible one elevator shall be maintained in readiness at the forward staging area and one maintained at the lobby
The Lobby Control Unit operates on what HT Channel?
• The Lobby Control Unit will operate on the Tactical Channel
The following equipment shall be carried in every elevator car:
• Handie-Talkie
• 1 set of Forcible Entry Tools
• Spare Cylinder
• Elevator Keys
• Search Rope
• Elevator Control Sheet
• Clipboard