Ch 19 - 20 - 21 The Goodies Flashcards
Think Julia
How do you create a named tuple?
You can name the components of a tuple, creating a named tuple:
julia > x = (a = 1, b = 1 + 1)
(a = 1, b = 2)
julia > x.a
Ben Lauwens and Allen B. Downey. thinkjulia (Kindle Locations 7189-7196). Kindle Edition.
Think Julia
What is the compact syntax for creating a function?
Functions A function in Julia can be defined by a compact syntax:
julia > f( x, y) = x + y
f (generic function with 1 method)
Ben Lauwens and Allen B. Downey. thinkjulia (Kindle Locations 7200-7205). Kindle Edition.
Think Julia
How is an anonymous function created?
Anonymous Functions
We can define a function without specifying a name:
julia > x -> x^2 + 2x - 1
#1 (generic function with 1 method)
Which is the same as:
julia > function (x)
….x^2 + 2x - 1
#3 (generic function with 1 method)
These are examples of anonymous functions. Anonymous functions are often used as arguments to another function:
julia > using Plots
julia > plot( x -> x^2 + 2x - 1, 0, 10, xlabel =” x”, ylabel =” y”)
Ben Lauwens and Allen B. Downey. thinkjulia (Kindle Locations 7206-7226). Kindle Edition.
Think Julia
How are keyword arguments created?
Keyword Arguments Function arguments can also be named:
julia > function myplot( x, y; style =” solid”, width = 1, color =” black”)
myplot (generic function with 1 method)
julia > myplot( 0: 10, 0: 10, style =” dotted”, color =” blue”)
Ben Lauwens and Allen B. Downey. thinkjulia (Kindle Locations 7230-7242). Kindle Edition.
Think Julia
How are keyword arguments seperated from place arguments?
Keyword Arguments Function arguments can also be named:
julia > function myplot( x, y; style =” solid”, width = 1, color =” black”)
myplot (generic function with 1 method)
Keyword arguments in a function are specified after a semicolon in the signature but can also be called with a comma.
Ben Lauwens and Allen B. Downey. thinkjulia (Kindle Location 7243). Kindle Edition.
Think Julia
Think Julia
What is a block?
A block is a way to group a number of statements. A block starts with the keyword begin and ends with end.
In Chapter 4, the @svg macro was introduced:
🐢 Turtle()
@svg begin
….forward( 🐢, 100)
….turn( 🐢, -90)
….forward( 🐢, 100)
Ben Lauwens and Allen B. Downey. thinkjulia (Kindle Locations 7256-7268). Kindle Edition.
Think Julia
What is a do block?
do Blocks
In “Reading and Writing” I showed you how to close a file when you’re done writing. This can be done automatically using a do block:
julia > data = “This here’s the wattle,\ nthe emblem of our land.\ n”
“This here’s the wattle,\ nthe emblem of our land.\ n”
julia > open(“ output.txt”, “w”) do fout
….write( fout, data)
Ben Lauwens and Allen B. Downey. thinkjulia (Kindle Locations 7290-7299). Kindle Edition.
Think Julia
How does the ternary operator work?
The ternary operator, ?:, is an alternative to an if-elseif statement used when you need to make a choice between single expression values:
julia > a = 150
julia > a % 2 == 0 ? println(“ even”) : println(“ odd”)
The expression before the ? is a conditional expression. If the condition is true, the expression before the : is evaluated; otherwise, the expression after the : is evaluated.
Ben Lauwens and Allen B. Downey. thinkjulia (Kindle Locations 7325-7337). Kindle Edition.
Think Julia
How is a primitive type created?
Primitive Types
A concrete type consisting of plain old bits is called a primitive type. Unlike most languages, Julia allows you to declare your own primitive types. The standard primitive types are defined in the same way:
primitive type Float64 <: AbstractFloat 64 end
primitive type Bool <: Integer 8 end
primitive type Char <: AbstractChar 32 end
primitive type Int64 <: Signed 64 end
The number in the statement specifies how many bits are required.
The following example creates a primitive type Byte and a constructor:
julia > primitive type Byte 8 end
julia > Byte( val:: UInt8) = reinterpret( Byte, val)
julia > b = Byte( 0x01)
Byte( 0x01)
The function reinterpret is used to store the bits of an unsigned integer with 8 bits (UInt8) into the Byte.
Ben Lauwens and Allen B. Downey. thinkjulia (Kindle Locations 7414-7415). Kindle Edition.
Think Julia
How can the performance of a function be measured?
Measuring Performance
We have seen that some algorithms perform better than others. The fibonnaci implementation from “Memos” is a lot faster than the fib implementation from “One More Example”. The @time macro allows us to quantify the difference:
julia > fib( 1)
julia > fibonacci( 1)
julia > @time fib( 40)
0.567546 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)
julia > @time fibonacci( 40)
0.000012 seconds (8 allocations: 1.547 KiB)
Ben Lauwens and Allen B. Downey. thinkjulia (Kindle Locations 7743-7746). Kindle Edition.