Ch 18: Modelling Flashcards
What is a model?
A model can be defined as a ‘cat-down, simplified version of reality that captures the essence of a problem and aids understanding.
It is important to be able to communicate the results of the model effectively and clearly.
Modelling requires a balance to be struck between which two things?
1) Reality, and hence complexity
2) Simplicity, for ease of use, verification and interpretation of results.
What is the advantage of an actuarial model over a formula?
A model is better able to reflect uncertain future events by giving an indication of the effects of varying the assumptions.
This is important so that the client understands the uncertainty involved in the underlying assumptions.
Where might a model come from and what factors affect the decision about where to get it?
1) A model might be developed in-house
2) An existing model may be modified
3) A commercial model might be purchased externally
4) The factors that need to be considered are:
- Fit for purpose
- Expertise available in-house
- Need for flexibility
- Cost of each option
- Expected number of times the model is to be used
- Desired level of accuracy
- Cost to make the model
- Cost to run the model
Outline the operational issues that need to be considered when designing and constructing a model
- Simple, but retains key features
- Clear results
- Adequately documented
- Range of implementation methods
- Communicable workings and output
- Easy to understand
- Refinable and developable
- Frequency of cashflows (balance accuracy vs practicality)
- Independent verification of outputs
- Length of run not too long
- Expenses not too high
- Sensible joint behavior of variables
Define what is meant by ‘dynamism’ of a model
If a model is dynamic, then the assets and liability parts of the model and all the assumptions are consistent with each other and are programmed to interact under different scenarios as they do in reality
For example:
- Inflation rates and investment returns
- Bonus rates and investment returns
- Withdrawal rates and economic conditions
Set out steps involved in developing and running a deterministic model
1) Specify the purpose of the investigation
2) Collect, group and modify data
3) Choose the form of the model and its parameters/variables
4) Ascribe values to those parameters using past experience/estimations
5) Construct the model based on expected cashflows
6) Test the model and correct if necessary
7) Check the goodness of fit using past data, modify if poor.
8) Run using estimates of future values of variables
9) Sensitivity tests (and maybe scenario test) using different parameter values.
Additional/Alternative steps in a stochastic model
1) Choose s density function for each of the stochastic variables
2) Specify the correlations between the variables
3) Run model many times using a random sample from the chosen density function
4) Produce a summary of results - a distribution (e.g. summarized at various confidence levels)
Outline the two factors to consider in choosing the time period (or frequency) for the projection of cashflows in a model
1) The more frequently the cashflows are calculated, the more reliable the output from the model, although there is a danger of spurious accuracy.
2) The less frequently the cashflows are calculated, the faster the model can be run, and the results obtained.
What are the relative merits of deterministic vs stochastic models?
- Quicker, cheaper and easier to design, build and run.
- Clearer what scenarios have been tested.
- Results are easier to explain to a non-technical audience.
- Allows naturally for the uncertainty of outcomes
- Enables better modelling of the correlations between variables
- Test a wider range of scenarios
- Good at identifying extreme outcomes, which may not have been thought of under a deterministic scenario.
- Important in assessing the impact of financial guarantees
Outline how a deterministic model could be used to determine a set of new premium rates for a term assurance contract.
1) An objective would be set based on profit criterion and an appropriate time horizon.
2) Data relating to the existing profile of customers would be collected and model points created. It would be modified for any perceived future differences in the profile of customers.
3) Parameter values for key assumptions such as mortality, expenses, lapses and investment returns would be set based on past experience.
4) For each model point, the model would be run, projecting future cashflows and discounting the net profits at the risk discount rate (RDR). The premium would be varied until the required profit criterion is met.
List 4 methods of assessing statistical risk
1) Analytically - by considering the variances of the individual parameter values used.
2) By using sensitivity analysis, with deterministically assessing variations in parameter values.
3) By using stochastic models for some, or all, of the parameter values and simulations.
4) By comparison with the available market data.
What should the rate used to discount the net cashflows in the model reflect?
1) The return required by the company
2) The level of statistical risk attaching to the cashflows.
Note: In theory, a different discount rate should be used for each cashflow (as the risk is different); In practice, a single rate is often used based on the average risk of the product.
What are model points? Why are they used?
How may they be chosen?
A model point is a representative single policy.
The business being modelled may comprise a very large number of different policies and it may be too time consuming to run all of these through a model.
So policies are classified into relatively homogeneous groups.
A model point for each group is chosen that is representative of the whole group.
The model point is run through the model and the output is then scaled up by the number of policies in the group to give the results of the whole group.
For pricing purposes, model points are chosen to reflect the expected profile of future business to be sold. This could be based on the existing profile, or that of a similar product.
When are model point not used?
Model points are not generally used when valuing liabilities for calculating reserves.
The normal procedure for determining the value of life assurance or pension scheme liabilities is to value the benefits for each policy or scheme individually.
In many territories, this may be a regulatory requirement.
However, model points may be required in order to answer various ‘what if’ questions.
How can models be used in risk management?
Models can be used to determine:
- The extent of a risk event that will occur with a given probability.
- The amount of capital that is needed to support such an event.
Explain briefly how a model could be used to assess the capital requirements and the return on capital when writing a new contract.
Take the cashflows from the pricing model and gross up for expected volumes of new business.
The capital requirement will be equal to the new business strain plus any one-off development costs, to the extent that they are not amortized and already included in the cashflows used.
The expected return on capital can be calculated by equating the capital requirement with the NPV of the profit stream that is expected to emerge.
Other than profitability and marketability, what is another big consideration in determining a suitable set of premium rates?
1) The capital requirement of the contract.
2) The return on capital.
Outline 5 factors that might be reconsidered, if premium rates are not thought to be marketable.
1) The design of the contract, to remove features that increase the riskiness of the net cashflows or to add differentiating features.
2) The distribution channels.
3) The profit criterion.
4) The size of the market.
5) The decision to market the contract in the first place.
Explain why a life insurance company may decide that the profit criterion does not need to be met for all model points.
If all model points were profitable in their own right, this may result in a set of premium rates that are:
- Not smooth between different types of policyholders.
Not competitive.
It is more usual to try to ensure that the profit criterion is met in aggregate.
What are the different ways of allowing for risk in a model?
1) It can be allowed for through the risk element of the risk discount rate.
2) Alternatively, use a pre-determined discount rate but incorporate margins in the individual parameter values, e.g mortality rates, expenses
3) If a probability distribution can be assigned to a parameter, it may be possible to derive analytically the variance of the profit or capital requirement.
4) A stochastic model or sensitivity testing could be used to show the variation in results. (Risk could be allowed for by taking a more prudent confidence level result)
Define model error and state how it can be assessed.
Model error - the risk that the model is inappropriate for the contracts being modelled.
- It can be assessed using goodness of fit test.
Define parameter error and state how it can be assessed.
Parameter error - The risk of mis-estimation of parameter values.
- It can be assessed using a sensitivity analysis. The results of the analysis can help in assessing the margins to be incorporated into the parameter values or to quantify the effect of departures from the chosen parameter values.
Explain why even a stochastic model does not illustrate the complete variability of results
The results of a stochastic model are dependent on the probability distributions chosen for the stochastically modelled assumptions, the parameter values of this distribution and the correlation of the assumptions.
Not all assumptions are modelled stochastically in a stochastic model, done to simplify the model. Some of the deterministic parameter values may be uncertain.
The stochastic model could be re-run using:
- Different probability distributions
- Different parameters for the distributions
- Different correlation coefficients
- Different values of the deterministically modelled assumptions
Two model variation tools
1) Sensitivity analysis - vary individual assumptions and input to assess the impact on the results
2) Scenario testing - changing assumptions in combination to represent an economic scenario such as a recession, to see the impact on results