Ch 16 - Using Social Media to Connect with Consumers Flashcards
Define social media and describe how they differ from traditional advertising media.
Social media are online media where active users submit news, photos, videos, and opinions, often accompanied by a feedback process to identify “popular” topics. Social media can be classified based on two factors: (1) media richness, which involves the degree of acoustic, visual, and physical contact between the social network and the user, and (2) self-disclosure, which is the degree to which individuals can control the impressions they want to make to others. Social media differ from traditional advertising media (newspapers, magazines, radio, and television) in that user generated content (1) is relatively inexpensive to create, publish, and access, (2) requires little training to develop, (3) can deliver virtually instantaneous responses, (4) can quickly alter and repost, and (5) may not be as private or anonymous as users expect.
Identify the four major social networks and how brand managers integrate them in their organizations’ marketing actions.
The four major social networks are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Facebook is a social network where users create a personal profile, add other users as “friends,” and exchange messages, photos, videos, and opinions with them. To increase traffic to a Facebook Page, brand managers can use paid ads and sponsored stories. Twitter enables users to send and receive “tweets,” messages up to 140 characters long. For Twitter, brand managers can use monitoring programs to track what people are saying about their organization’s brand. LinkedIn lets users post their personal profiles to a network of businesspeople. LinkedIn can be used to create a company profile to share brand information and career opportunities with LinkedIn users and to demonstrate the company’s expertise and professionalism. YouTube is a video-sharing social network where users can upload, distribute, view, and comment on videos. YouTube also allows marketers to create a brand channel to promote a product, show ads for it, and have viewers comment on it. YouTube also allows a company to inform consumers about itself and direct traffic by featuring a link back to its website.
Describe the differing roles of those receiving messages through traditional media versus social media and the factors brand managers use to select a social network.
With promotional messages received through traditional media, recipients are generally “passive receivers” and the communication ends with them. In contrast, recipients of social media messages are “active receivers,” and the company sending them messages hopes they will become “evangelists” and send positive messages back to the company and to online friends. The factors a marketer uses to select a specific social network involve assessing (1) the number of daily visitors to the company’s website, (2) the characteristics (or profile) of those visitors, and (3) the focus of the social network. Of the four major social networks, Facebook has the largest number of daily visitors, followed by YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Each of these has a unique user profile that allows marketers to develop marketing programs to reach specific target segments. Also, because each social network has a unique focus (videos, short messaging, and so on), marketers can modify their marketing programs to take advantage of these differences.
Explain how social media can produce sales revenues for a brand and compare the performance measures linked to inputs or costs versus outputs or revenues.
Measuring the sales generated from social media is more difficult than with traditional media because in many cases there is no direct link between a social network user and a sale. Brand managers can use social media platforms to send messages or paid advertisements to the brand’s audience that include links to the special promotions, to coupon codes, or to specific products in an online store. By tracking the performance of these links, the brand manager can identify the ones that produce sales revenues. Performance measures linked to inputs and costs include (1) cost per thousand (similar to the CPM for a print ad), which is the number of times an ad is displayed to a user, (2) cost per click, which gives the rate the advertiser pays each time a visitor clicks on the ad and then jumps to the web page of the advertiser’s choice, and (3) cost per action, which is the amount paid for every purchase that originates from an ad on a social media network site. Examples of performance measures linked to outputs or revenues include (1) the number of unique monthly users viewing the website at a given time; (2) page views, or the number of times a specific web page is loaded; and (3) visitors, or the total number of users viewing a particular web page during a specified time period.
Describe how the convergence of the real and digital worlds affects the future of social media.
The convergence of the real and digital worlds in social networking is made possible by means of a “smart system,” which is a computer-based network that triggers actions by sensing changes in the real or digital world. An example is how Japanese vending machines are able to recognize a customer’s sex and age and respond with a new digital display on the vending machine. Other components of a smart system include sensors; radio frequency identification (RFID) tags; and apps, which are small, downloadable software programs that can run on smartphones and tablet devices to add functionality to these devices. In the future, there will be: (1) new ways to personalize social media connections; (2) an explosion of bar codes, RFIDs, and quick response (QR) codes linked to new apps available with social media; (3) an increased focus on socially networked “communities;” (4) social networks beginning to charge for user actions that generate more sales for advertisers; and (5) an increased emphasis on measuring the marketing return on investment for social media initiatives. The convergence of social media, smartphones, tablet devices, and new apps will lead to companies having a more dynamic interaction with their customers.
Small, downloadable software programs that can run on smartphones and tablet devices. Also called mobile apps or applications.
A contraction of “web log,” is a web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal and online forum for an individual or organization.
A website where users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange comments, photos, videos, and “likes” with them.
A business-oriented website that lets users post their professional profiles to connect to a network of businesspeople, who are also called connections.
social media
Online media where users submit comments, photos, and videos—often accompanied by a feedback process to identify “popular” topics.
A website that enables users to send and receive “tweets,” messages up to 140 characters long.
user generated content (UGC)
The various forms of online media content that are publicly available and created by end users.
A video-sharing website in which users can upload, view, and comment on videos.
What do we mean by social media?
Social media are online media where users submit comments, photos, and videos—often accompanied by a feedback process to identify “popular” topics. Business firms also refer to social media as “consumer-generated media.”
In classifying social media, what do we mean by (a) media richness and (b) self-disclosure?
Social media can be classified based on two factors: (a) Media richness involves the degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners. For example, face-to-face communication is higher in media richness than telephone or e-mail communication. The higher the media richness and quality of presentation, the greater the social influence that these communication partners have on each other’s behavior. (b) Self-disclosure involves the degree to which an individual shares his or her thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes when engaged in a social interaction. Typically, this person wants to make a positive impression to achieve a favorable image with others. The greater the self-disclosure, the greater the likelihood that the person will increase his or her influence on those reached.
Compare traditional media and social media in terms of time to delivery of the communication.
Traditional media can involve days or even months of continuing effort to deliver the communication, and time lags can be extensive. In contrast, individuals using social media can post virtually instantaneous content.
How is “user generated content” presented by someone using Facebook?
User generated content (UGC) refers to the various forms of online media content that are publicly available and created by end users. Facebook is a website where users create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange comments, photos, videos, and “likes” with them. Facebook users today can keep friends and family updated on what a user is thinking, doing, and feeling. Additionally, users may chat with friends and create and join common-interest groups.
What are some ways brand managers use Facebook to converse with a brand’s fans?
A brand manager can create awareness for a product, service, or brand by creating a Facebook Page for it. Done well, this is a magnet for feedback. Facebook allows brand managers to request a range of user data like addresses and phone numbers—with the users’ permission (an “opt-in” approach). Brand managers can also use Facebook’s “sponsored stories” to buy and republish Facebook messages about their brands. The marketing challenge for a Facebook Page is to post and create the content that will generate the best response. Most ads for a brand on a Facebook site appear on the right-hand side of the page. An advantage of a Facebook ad for a brand is that it can migrate into Facebook conversations among friends—to the delight of advertisers. If a brand manager uses Facebook’s News Feed, which appears on every user’s home page, it can be used to highlight profile changes, identify upcoming events regarding the brand, and provide links so users can participate in the activity.
What are the major differences between Facebook and YouTube that are of interest to brand managers?
According to Figure 16–3, Facebook has slightly more female users than YouTube. So, if a brand manager wants to reach males with an ad for a brand, he/she more likely would use YouTube. Both Facebook and YouTube enable a brand manager to promote the brand but in different ways: Facebook has a platform that connects with the firm’s brand website. YouTube allows brand managers to create an actual brand channel to host its advertisements and other video clips that can explain complex information and/or provide product demonstrations that may be of interest to users. It too can link to a brand’s website. Both Facebook and YouTube allow users to share their opinions with other users through the “Like” and the “Comment” features. However, YouTube, because it’s a more visual medium, allows a brand manager to entertain as well as inform users about the brand. YouTube traffic goes directly to the video; a hyperlink is needed to get users back to the brand’s website. Facebook, on the other hand, uses customized tabs and buttons to direct users to the brand’s website.
What is the difference between (and marketing significance of) a “passive receiver” for conventional media and an “active receiver” for social media?
Traditional media, like magazine or TV ads, generally use one-way communication from sender to receiver, who the marketer hopes will buy the product advertised. A little word-of-mouth chatting may occur among the consumer “passive receivers” but communications generally end with the receiver. Social media deliberately seek to ensure that the message does not end with an individual receiver. Instead, the goal is to reach “active receivers,” those who will become “influentials” and be “delighted” with the brand advertised. These will then become “evangelists,” who will send messages—user generated content—to their online friends and then back to the advertiser about the joys of using the brand. So success in social media marketing relies heavily on the ability of a marketing program to convert passive “receivers” of the message to active “evangelists” who will spread favorable messages about the brand.
Stated simply, how can an advertiser on Facebook expect to generate sales?
The brand manager composes title, copy, and images or photos in an ad that would be placed on Facebook through its Facebook Ad Platform. A website address would link the ad to the brand’s website or its Facebook Page. To encourage and produce new sales that can be tracked, the brand manager could also link the ad to a coupon code or some other promotional offer.
How did Nestlé’s initial overreaction to the Greenpeace campaign heighten its problems?
Greenpeace created its “Killer” campaign against Nestlé’s Kit Kat candy bar because it used palm oil from palm trees in Indonesia—ones that were not only cut down but also were home to orangutans. Nestlé’s response to Greepeace’s campaign unwittingly led to increased online attention and animosity. At Nestlé’s request, YouTube removed the video that Nestlé believed infringed on its Kit Kat brand. The result: Views of the video on other sites like Vimeo skyrocketed in the next 24 hours. Also, Nestlé’s Kit Kat Facebook users who were violently opposed to its deforestation actions had “brand-jacked” the Nestlé Kit-Kat Facebook Page. Within 60 days, Nestlé’s management took steps to drop palm oil suppliers linked to deforestation. Greenpeace thus effectively orchestrated the crowd power of social media to pressure Nestlé into a strategic policy change.
What is an example of how the real (physical) and digital (virtual) worlds are converging?
Social media will increasingly migrate into smart systems, consisting of interlinked smartphones, tablet devices, sensors, special identification tags, databases, algorithms, apps, and other elements
What are apps and why are they important?
Apps are small, downloadable software programs that run on smartphones and tablet devices. They are speeding up the convergence of the real (physical) and digital (virtual) worlds. Many apps are related to social media, such as programs for (1) price-comparison searches, (2) loyalty programs, and (3) location-based promotions.
How does T-Mobile’s Czech ad campaign featuring Chuck Norris show the global marketing reach of social media?
In terms of global marketing, an ad using social media can go “viral,” meaning that thousands or millions of people can view, like, and comment on it—if effective, entertaining, or informative. An example is the Czech Republic T-Mobile TV ad that caused thousands of people to become fans of T-Mobile on its Facebook Page while millions watched it on YouTube. In addition, consumers in Poland and Slovakia loved the ads as well.