Ch 16 Investments Flashcards
An investee in which the investor has significant influence. (p. 853)
consolidated financial statements
Financial statements that combine the parent company’s financial statements with the financial statements of the companies that are controlled by the parent. (p. 853)
debt instruments
Debt obligations such as money-market instruments, bonds or similar items that can be bought and sold. (p. 834)
Aka debt securities
equity instruments
An ownership interest in a corporation such as preferred and common shares. (p. 834)
Aka equity securities
equity method
An accounting method in which the investment in common shares is initially recorded at cost. The investment account is then adjusted annually to show the investor’s equity in the associate (investee). (p. 853)
fair value
The amount an investment can be sold for in the market. Typically this will be the quoted market price in a public market. (p. 845)
fair value adjustment
An accounting entry to adjust the carrying value of an investment for any increases or decreases in its fair value. (p. 845)
fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI)
Investment classification made by management for an investment in equity securities. Fair value adjustments for these investments are reported as gains and losses int eh other comprehensive income portion of the statement comprehensive income. (p. 845)
fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)
Investment classification for any investments in debt or equity securities that do not meet the criteria established for amortized cost investments and have not been designed by management as fair value through other comprehensive income. Fair value adjustments are reported as gains and losses on the income statement and are therefore included in the determination of either a profit or loss for a company. (p. 845)
held-for-trading investments
Debt or equity securities that are bought and held for sale in the near term, mainly to generate earnings from short-term price differences. (p. 835)
Aka trading investments
The corporation that issues (sells) the debt or equity securities that investors purchase. (p. 839)
The corporation that buys (owns) the debt or equity securities issued by another company. (p. 839)
long-term debt instruments
Debt instruments with a maturity of longer than 12 months after the balance sheet date. (p. 838)
money-market instruments
Short-term debt instruments that are low risk and highly liquid, such as money-market funds, term deposits, and treasury bills. (p. 834)
non-strategic investment
An investment that is purchased mainly to generate investment income. (p. 834)
parent company
A company that controls, or owns more than 50% of the common shares of, another company. (p. 834)
Debt or equity instruments that a company may invest in. (p. 834)
short-term debt instruments
Debt instruments that mature within 12 months of the balance sheet date. (p. 838)
strategic investment
An investment in equity securities that is purchased to maintain a long-term operating relationship with another company. (p. 834)
subsidiary company
A company whose common shares are controlled by another company. Usually, more than 50% of its common shares are owned by the other company. (p. 853)