Ch 16 Flashcards
money borrowed to buy something now, with an agreement to pay later; have to be 18
the history of credit in the early years:
general store (dollar store, CVS)
history of credit 1990
increased understanding of credit
credit today=
1990’s record # of brankruptcy’s
person borrowing money
borrower or debtor
loaning the money
all your assets added (what you own)—-what you owe (liabilities)
money/net worth you have after debts
pledging to repay the loan
on credit, it’s the $$ you borrow
anything you have to pay back over and above the principal
finance charge
you pay these in incriments (pay $400/month for 36 monts)
ex. mortgage, car payment
AKA close-ended
installment agreement
whatever you take the loan out for, is used as collateral
secured loan
ex. of non-secured loan =
student loan
List the advantages of consumer credit
- purchasing power
- emergency funds
- convenience
- deferred billing
- safety