Ch 16 & 17 Flashcards
Companies use a secure socket layer (SSL) protocol to secure payment information transmitted over the Internet from a consumer to a business.
Spyware is often installed when users download and install freeware on their computers.
Total quality management (TQM) relies on a small cadre of quality experts to exert complete control over the organization’s quality assurance efforts.
A strong password is any combination of at least five characters consisting of both letters and numbers and isn’t a common word or name.
PayPal is the best-known cybermediary with approximately 100 million active accounts, just in the U.S. alone.
Inventory consists of the stocks of finished items, works-in-process, parts, materials, or other resources held by an organization.
Southwest Airlines has been very successful at applying lean thinking to its operations.
Hardware consists of computer programs that provide instructions to a computer, so that it can perform a desired task.
Because the output of service firms is intangible, they are unable to apply the principles of lean production
Phishing is a scam where official-looking emails are sent to individuals in an attempt to get them to divulge private information such as passwords, usernames, and account numbers.
A data warehouse is a physical storage facility used by management to store and file all hard copies of important documents generated by the business.
Operations managers attempt to use effective and efficient methods to produce the right goods and services in the right quantities and distribute them to the right customers at the right time.
Black hat hackers are hackers who have no harmful intent. Instead they hack into computers simply for the intellectual challenge it involves.
Six Sigma shares some characteristics with TQM, such as an organization-wide focus on quality and a long-term commitment to continuous quality improvement.
Supply chains focus exclusively on coordinating the flow of materials and physical goods. The corresponding flows of information, financial resources, and other services are coordinated by enterprise planning systems that are separate from the supply chain.
An initiative in 2001 allowed members of the 12 consortium to sponsor other research and educational organizations that did not originally qualify for membership, so they would have access to 12 resources.