Ch. 15 Respiratory Emergencies Flashcards
Signs & Symptoms of respiratory conditions, normal vs inadequate breathing, Adventitious Breath Sounds, Respiratory Inhalation Medications, COPD vs CHF, Patient Assesment
What are the signs and rates for normal breathing in adults, children, and infants?
Adults: 12-20 breaths/min
Children: 15-30 breaths/min
Infants: 25-50 breaths/min
- regular patern of inhalation and exhalation
- clear and equal bilaterl breath sounds
- equal chest rise and fall
- adequate tidal volume
- unlabored; without adventitious breath sounds
What are some signs and symptoms of inadequate breathing?
- shallow breathing with an altered mental status
- respiratory rate is too fast (tachycardia) or too slow (bradycardia)
- skin is pale, cool, cyanotic
- adventitious breath sounds
- breathing rythm is irregular
- excessive coughing
- patient is sitting up, leaning forward, in tripod position
- pursed lips and nasal flaring
- adults anxious or restless, pediactrics appear sleepy
- patient cannot speak more than a few words when asked “how are you doing?”
What are the signs and symptoms of a patient with Asthma?
- Wheezing on inspiration
- bronchospasm
What are the signs and symptoms of Anaphylaxis?
- flushed skin or hives
- decreased blood pressure (hypotension)
- Laryngeal edema with dyspnea (fluid buildup in larynx with SOB)
- wheezing and stridor
What are the signs and symptoms of bronchiolitis?
- Wheezing
- coughing
- fever
- dehydration
- Tachpnea (increased breathing rate)
- Tachycardia (rapid pulse rate)
What are the signs and symptoms of bronchitis?
- chronic cough (with sputum)
- wheezing
- cyanosis
- tachypnea (increased breathing rate)
What are the signs and symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure?
- dependent edema
- crackles (pulmonary edema)
- orthopnea (severe dysnea when laying down)
- paroxysmal nocturnal dsypnea (severe SOB, especially when reclining in chair for hours); siyting upright relieves SOB
What are the signs and symptoms of common cold?
- cough
- runny nose
- sore throat
What are the signs and symptoms of croup?
- fever
- barking cough
- stridor
- mostly in pediatric patients
What are the signs and symptoms of diphtheria?
- difficulty breathing and swallowing
- sore throat
- thick grey buildup in throat or nose
- fever
What are the signs and symptoms of emphysema?
- barrel chest
- pursed lip breathing
- dyspnea on exertion
- cyanosis
- wheezing/decreased breath sounds
What are the signs and symptoms of epiglottitis?
- dyspnea
- high fever
- stridor
- drooling
- difficulty swallowing
- severe sore throat
- tripod position
What are the signs and symptoms of influenza type a?
- cough
- fever
- sore throat
- Fatigue
What are the signs and symptoms of pertusis (whooping cough)?
- coughing spells
- “whooping sound”
- fever
What are the signs and symptoms of pneumonia?
- dyspnea
- fever
- cough
- green,red, and colored sputum
- localized wheezing or crackles
What are the signs and symptoms of pneumothorax?
- sudden chest pain with dyspnea
- decreased breath sounds (affected side)
- subcrutaneous emphysema
What are the signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolus?
- sharp chest pain
- sudden onset
- dyspnea
- tachycardia
- clear breath sounds initially
What are the signs and symptoms of tension pneumothorax?
- severe shortness of breath
- decreased/altered level of consciousness
- neck vein disention
- tracheal diviation (late sign)
- hypotension (late sign)
What are the signs and symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)?
- cough
- wheezing
- fever
- dehydration
What are the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis (TB)?
- cough
- fever
- fatigue
- productive bloody sputum