Ch 15 - Group Accounts: Consolidated SFP Flashcards
What complications can arise with a consolidated P&L?
Mid-year acquisitions Intra-group transactions that lead to issues to deal with including - Sale and purchases - Stock PURPs - Tangible fixed asset PURPs - Intra-group interest and management charges Goodwill impairments and amortisation FV depreciation/amortisation FV depreciation/amortisation Intra-group dividends
What are the 2 forms that the CP&L shows?
From turnover to profit after tax include 100% of P’s figures and 100% of S’s figures = control
After profit after tax deduct share of profits due to non-controlling interest = ownership
Make adjustments for intra-group items such as sales of goods and dividends
What are the basic consolidated P&L workings?
!. Establish group structure (same for as CBS)
- Consolidation Schedule
- NCI (same as BSC)
How do you calc W2 ?
Add adj column and total column onto P&L and total column = what appears on consolidated P&L
What does the top and bottom half of P&L show?
Top = control Ownership = ownership
When must stock be adjusted?
If any goods sold intra-group are included in closing stock, their value must be adjusted to the lower of cost and NRV to the group
Need to eliminate profit element
What is the adjustment required for stock PURPs?
DR CoS of the seller (unrealised profit figure)
CR Closing stock in consolidated balance sheet (unrealised profit figure)
In practice the debit entry should be shown as an increase in CoS in sellers column in the consolidation schedule (W2)
Note: if S is the seller, then S’s PAT will be affected which impacts NCI
But this is a one-sided adjustment and therefore can’t go in the adjustments column
What difference does it make if S is the seller on intra-traded stock?
Note: if S is the seller, then S’s PAT will be affected which impacts NCI
But this is a one-sided adjustment and therefore can’t go in the adjustments column
How do you calc stock when sale is mark-up of 20%?
Sale = 120% CoS = 100% Profit = 20%
How do you calc PURP when sale is 20% profit margin
Sales = 100% CoS = 80% Profit = 20%
What adjustment is required when one group company sells a tangible fixed asset to another in the group?
Any profit/loss arising on the transfer must be deducted from the appropriate category within the seller’s column in the consolidation schedule (W2)
This adjustment will increase the seller’s expenses
The depreciation charge must be adjusted
Again, in the seller’s column of the schedule
So this means it is based on the cost of the asset to the group
In most cases, the profit on disposal and the depreciation charge are included in the same expense line in the P&L
Therefore, only one adjustment is needed
What is a PURP made up for a tangible asset?
PURP is made up of
Profit on disposal
Extra depreciation charged since transfer
However, if the transfer of the tangible fixed asset took place in the previous year, then only the depreciation charge is adjusted for this year
How should intra-group interest and management charges be dealt with?
Interest or management charges payable in the P&L of the subsidiary should be cancelled against the interest or management charges receivable in the parent company
Make this adjustment in the ‘adjustments’ column of (W2)
Same as the elimination of intra-group sales and purch
When dealing with interest, what must be careful of in P&L?
The income line might be referred to as ‘interest income’ or ‘other income’
But you won’t see this adj educing turnover as it isn’t related to trading activities
The expense line may be finance cost for interest, or within operating expenses
Where does goodwill appear in FS?
Usually operating expenses of P, unless told otherwise