Ch 14 Flashcards
Any method of business that is dishonest or fraudulent.
Unfair trade practice
An individual who acquires goods primarily for personal use
The government agency that issues and enforces safety standards from most consumer products.
A court action that allows one or several persons to sue on the behalf of others.
Class action
The practice of luring customers to a store by advertising a few, low-priced items
Bait and switch
The phrase that means “Let the seller beware”
Caveat venditor
An order that requires a company to stop a certain conduct
Cease and desist
A phrase that means “Let the buyer beware”
Caveat Emptor
An untrue claim of quality or effectiveness
False advertising
The government agency that regulates the production of safe food and drugs
The government agency that prevents false and misleading advertising
A classification for products that do not meet the FDA’s standard for purity and quality.
A form of gambling where no skill is required to win
The force that drives efficient businesses to create new and better products and services
voluntary, court-enforceable agreement to stop an illegal practice.
Consent order