Ch 13 - Supplier Evaluation & Relationships Flashcards
Informal evaluation
Assessments of the supplier by internal users and others anywhere in the buying org where supplier contact takes place
Semiformal: executive round table discussions
Regular, annual discussion between top executives in the buying organization and those of the supplier.
-help cement relationships between the two orgs at a high level
Formal supplier evaluation and rating
Attempt to tract actual performance over time.
Weighted point evaluation system
Process is to:
- Identify the factors or criteria for evaluation
- Determine the importance of each factor
- Establish a system for rating for each supplier on each factor
-most track major suppliers more closely than those sources deemed to have less impact on an org performance
Unacceptable suppliers
Fail to meet operational and strategic needs of the buying org
- stop business and substitute for new suppliers
- they create greater problems for the purchasing org
Acceptable suppliers
Meet current operational needs required by contract
-provide performance that other purchasers could easily match and accept suppliers provide no basis for competitive edge
Preferred suppliers
Have a system or process orientation with preferred suppliers and this integration avoids unnecessary duplication and speeds up transactions that normally are handled on an electronic basis
-mutual improvements, eliminate nonvalue
Exceptional suppliers
Meeting and exceeding
- mutual breakthroughs = competitive advantage
- patience and persistence for mutual breakthrough and relationships
Supplier performance
Greater impact on the productivity, quality, and competitiveness of the org than most managers realize
Supplier goodwill
“Relationship marketing”
- sellers are jealous of this, it’s a major asset
- needs to be carefully cultivated , jealousy guarded
Partnership with suppliers
Gives lawyers discomfort, it has certain obligations not part of standard purchaser-seller partnership.
…. So some purchasers chose the term preferred suppliers
Operational partnerships
Formed around leverage items in portfolio analysis where the attainment of the desired levels of quality, quantity, delivery, price, and service are achieved at the lowest total cost of ownership
Strategic partnership and alliances
Makes strategic difference to both buyer and seller and attempts to seek sustainable competitive advantage
-share conviction of interest of both to form relationship beyond the standard mode of trade
- success: align quality, cont improvement, and customer service
- long term relationships
- customer/supplier team support
Concerns about partnerships and alliances
- at least one partner might wish to take advantage of the preferred status and let the commitment and relationship deteriorate.
- single sources lies in becoming puppets of suppliers
- suppliers knows that customers depend on them, and may charge excessively , let quality slip, slow down process
- unpredictable with single sourcing