ch-13 of science Flashcards
a.who discovered the the relationship between current and magnetism?
what are magnetic fields
what are magnetic field lines
state the properties of field lines
state how magnetic fields behaves due to straight conductor (include the factors)
3 factors
state the max well right hand thumb rule
______ discovered right hand rule.
in ___ year discovery between magnetism and current happend
_____ discovered the relationship between current and magnetism
outside the magnet the lines goes from ___ to ____
inside the magnet lines goes from ___ to ___
discuss magnetic field due to circular loop conductor(include factors)
same factors as straight conductors
why magnetic field lines in a circular loop appears to be straight at centre?
what is solenoid(“definition”)
discuss the magnetic field due to solenoid? (“include the factors “)
3 factors
what happens when current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field
when is the force experienced by a current carrying conductor is maximum?
what do these indicates in flamings left hand rule:
direction of middle finger.
direction of fore finger.
direction of thumb.
name one device that works on the magnetic effect of current.
name the device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.
a motor coverts ______ energy to ______ energy
in flamings left hand rule, write down the three things that are at 90 degree.
name the device which is use to reverse the direction of current in coil.
what is the other name of spilts rings.
what is the function of commutator in a motor,
of what substances the brushes of motor are made.
what is the principal of a electric motor
in what ways the motor can made more strong .
what is a electro motor. with the help of diagram state the working of the motor.
name the device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
which phenomenon is used in the working of ac generator .
name the rule which gives direction of induced current.
what type of generator is used at power station.
what should be changed in ac generator so that it changes into dc generator.
explain the principal of generator
state the ways in which induced current can be increased
brief about electromagnetic induction
explain the AC generator with diagram.
how many circuits are there in house.
state the fuse used in two circuits of house .
list the colour of the three wires used in hour house
what is the main purpose of the earthing
what is electric short circuit.
state the two hazards caused in domestic circuits.(long)
explain why copper wire cannot be used as a fuse
brief about domestic circuit
brief about fuse