ch. 13 & 14 review Flashcards
accident =
unexpected mishap that results in harm
incident =
unusual event; not the outcome we expected
in a healthcare setting falls are typically considered ?
[accident or incident]
incident report is aka
occurrence report
paraplegic =
lower body paralysis
(waist and below, or lower back)
quadriplegic is aka
quadriplegic =
fully paralyzed; all limbs
(neck and below)
hemaplegia =
half-paralyzed (one side or the other)
hemiplegia likely occurs after ?
comatose =
unconscious for a prolonged period of time
entrapment =
when patients become pinned in btwn bed rails
we are / aren’t allowed to restrain people
if we do, it comes w _____
before it happens, the patient must ?
we ARE NOT allowed to restrain people
if we do, it comes w a DR’s ORDER
before it happens, the patient must do a lot (like scratching a hole in their arm)
chemical restraint =
giving a patient medicine
pressure ulcer is aka
pressure ulcer is caused by ?
someone laying on boney prominences for too long
boney prominences being coccyx, ankle, heel, knee, etc.
contracture =
when we start to experience muscle loss
body alignment =
keeping spine as straight as possible
semi-fowler’s =
(what deg ?)
fowler’s =
(what deg?)
high fowler’s =
(what deg?)
lateral =
on the side (one or the other)
medial =
towards the midline
anterior =
refers to the “front”
posterior =
refers to the “back”
superior =
means “higher”
inferior =
means “lower”
proximal =
closer to its origin
distal =
further away from origin
distal =
further away from origin
shearing =
a blanket or towel tears skin by pulling the top layer of skin in the opposite way.
friction =
rubbing one thing against the other
friction vs shearing
friction is like rubbing your elbow on a surface
shearing is a tear, it’s not that deep but it has to be covered to avoid infection
log rolling =
arms on side, legs straight down
a procedure for turning a pt. w/o bending or twisting the spine
it’s a very coordinated movement to literally “roll” a pt.
weight bearing
supporting weight
supportive device =
& examples ?
used to support
examples include: crutches, canes, a boot, walkers, etc.
ambulate =
to “walk”