ch. 12: Intervening at the Language-for-Learning Stage (L4L) Flashcards
Planning Intervention in the L4L Stage: Transdisciplinary Approach
SLP OT/PT Regular Ed Teacher Special Ed Teacher Reading Specialist Audiologist School Psychologist
Planning Intervention in the L4L Stage: Preparation of the IEP
- include targets in traditional oral language areas
- procedures for modifying the classroom environment
- jusstify that placement in LRE
Planning Intervention in the L4L Stage: 504 Plans
- those who do not qualitfy for IDEA (IEP)
- 504 plan instead of IEP
Planning Intervention in the L4L Stage: Family centered intervention
keep family informed throughout assessment and intervention, not just the IEP meeting
Home programs
IEP Meetings and planning
Progress reports
enlist clients in identifying their own areas of strengths and weaknesses and in setting priorities on goals.
Planning Intervention in the L4L Stage: Behavioral issues in intervention planning
-using positive behavior supports (PBS): movement away from punishment-based approaches that emphasize obedience and compliance and toward instruction that emphasizes functional skill development. 2 procedures
1. Functional Behavior Assessment: identify why problem behavior occurs and what purpose it serves
2. Implementing Comprehensive intervention: addresses the functions of the behavior as determined by FBA. multiple intervention strategies. SLP delivers functional communication training (FCT)
Emphasizes developing functional skills
Identify problem behaviors
Then choose an intervention strategy
Guiding Principles of Intervention
Curriculum based instruction
Integrate oral and written language
Improving metaskills
Collaborate to prevent school failure by participating RTI
Guiding Principles of Intervention: Use Curriculum-Based Instruction
- Try to address the literacy issues using the language goals.
- RTI Tier 1 and 2, or regular classroom setting
- Integrate our language intervention with the demands our students face in the classroom every day.
Guiding Principles of Intervention: Integrate oral and written language
Provide opportunities for written language as well.
provide intervention for oral language, as well as print formss
Guiding Principles of Intervention: Improving Meta Skills
- Improve awareness, will result in improving vocabulary and syntax.
- Through self regulation, assessment and monitoring.
- activities that direct conscious attention to the language and cognitive skills a student uses in the curriculum
- “talking about talking and thinking about thinking”
Guiding Principles of Intervention: Collaborate to prevent school failure by participating in RTI
-Prevent reading and writing disabilities in children, and prevent the requirement for special education
Clinician Directed
-Clinician decides the targets
-More formal
Drill play
Cognitive behavior therapy
Give a new word and ask them to put it in the activity
Use a specific strategy to improve comprehension, clinician demonstrates strategy and then ask the client to carry out the strategy.
Think Aloud Strategy
Child-Centered Intervention
Let the child lead the treatment Scaffolding Creation of optimal task conditions Guidance of selective attention Provision of external support
mixture of both
identifying the student’s zone of proximal development in curricular language skills and devising activities that scaffold his current level of function into the ZPD by means of clinical support
Hybrid Intervention for Syntax and Morphology
Select targets for instruction
Provide guided practice in using targets in both spoken (listening & speaking) and written (reading & writing) contexts
Teach advanced morphology to support spelling and reading comprehension (by teaching relations between root words and affixes)
Literate language form (complex sentences, noun phrase & verb phrase elaboration)