Ch 12 - Endocrine Pathology Terms Flashcards
type of hyperpituitarism in which an overactive pituitary gland after adulthood causes abnormal continued growth of bones and tissues of the face and extremities
Addison’s disease
illness characterized by gradual adrenal-gland failure, resulting in insufficient production of steroid hormones and the need for hormone replacement therapy; also called hypoadrenalism and adrenocortical insufficiency
congenital hypothyroidism
congenital condition of thyroid hormone deficiency, characterized by arrested physical and mental development; formerly called cretinism
Cushing’s disease
disorder caused by hypersecretion of cortisol by the adrenal gland, resulting in altered fat distribution and muscle weakness; also called hyperadrenocorticism, hypercortisolism and hyperadrenalism
diabetes insipidus
disorder unrelated to diabetes mellitus, characterized by excessive output of dilute urine
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
condition of severe hyperglycemia
diabetes mellitus (DM)
chronic metabolic disorder in which the pancreas secretes insufficient amounts of insulin or the body is insulin resistant
hyposecretion of growth hormone during childhood, resulting in an abnormally small adult
abnormal protrusion of the eyeballs
gestational diabetes
diabetes that begins during pregnancy due to insulin resistance and altered glucose metabolism
type of hyperpituitarism that causes hypersecretion of growth hormone during childhood, resulting in an abnormally large adult
enlarged thyroid gland
Graves’ disease
hyperthyroidism caused by an autoimmune response, which may cause exophthalmos; also called thyrotoxicosis
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
chronic, inflammatory condition that leads to the most common type of thyroiditis; also called chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis and autoimmune thyroiditis
male pattern of body-hair development in females