Ch 12 - Endocrine Pathology Terms Flashcards
type of hyperpituitarism in which an overactive pituitary gland after adulthood causes abnormal continued growth of bones and tissues of the face and extremities
Addison’s disease
illness characterized by gradual adrenal-gland failure, resulting in insufficient production of steroid hormones and the need for hormone replacement therapy; also called hypoadrenalism and adrenocortical insufficiency
congenital hypothyroidism
congenital condition of thyroid hormone deficiency, characterized by arrested physical and mental development; formerly called cretinism
Cushing’s disease
disorder caused by hypersecretion of cortisol by the adrenal gland, resulting in altered fat distribution and muscle weakness; also called hyperadrenocorticism, hypercortisolism and hyperadrenalism
diabetes insipidus
disorder unrelated to diabetes mellitus, characterized by excessive output of dilute urine
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
condition of severe hyperglycemia
diabetes mellitus (DM)
chronic metabolic disorder in which the pancreas secretes insufficient amounts of insulin or the body is insulin resistant
hyposecretion of growth hormone during childhood, resulting in an abnormally small adult
abnormal protrusion of the eyeballs
gestational diabetes
diabetes that begins during pregnancy due to insulin resistance and altered glucose metabolism
type of hyperpituitarism that causes hypersecretion of growth hormone during childhood, resulting in an abnormally large adult
enlarged thyroid gland
Graves’ disease
hyperthyroidism caused by an autoimmune response, which may cause exophthalmos; also called thyrotoxicosis
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
chronic, inflammatory condition that leads to the most common type of thyroiditis; also called chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis and autoimmune thyroiditis
male pattern of body-hair development in females
condition in which the adrenal glands release excessive aldosterone; also called Conn’s syndrome
condition in which the parathyroid glands produce an excessive amount of parathyroid hormone (PTH)
condition in which the parathyroid glands are hypoactive and as a result the level of parathyroid hormone (PTH) is too low
severe form of hypothyroidism that develops in the older child or adult, causing nonpitting edema in connective tissue
nondiabetic hypoglycemia
condition in which a nondiabetic person experiences mild symptoms associated with low blood glucose
condition resulting from diminished secretion of pituitary hormones; also called underactive pituitary gland
tumor of the adrenal medulla (central part of the adrenal gland), usually benign but sometimes causing fluctuation of stress hormones like adrenaline
pituitary dwarfism
type of hypopituitarism in which reduced growth and development occur due to deficiency of growth hormone in childhood
much (increased) thirst
much (increased) appetite
much (increased) urination
precocious puberty
premature onset of puberty with the appearance of secondary sex characteristics in young children
disease of the retina, often caused by diabetes
severe episode of worsening symptoms of hyperthyroidism
Common tests for diabetes/blood glucose
- Average blood glucose (eAG): average level over past 2-3 months; directly correlates to HbA1c results
- Fasting blood glucose (FBG): levels after a fast of 8-12 hours; also called fasting blood sugar (FBS)
- Finger stick blood sugar (FSBS): from drop of capillary blood by pricking finger; also called finger stick blood glucose (FSBG)
- Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c): average level over 2-3 months by measuring amt of hemoglobin with sugar attached to it; reported as a %
Common thyroid tests
- Radioactive iodine uptake: nuclear medicine study measuring how rapidly radioactive iodine is taken up from blood after oral/intravenous administration
- Thyroid function test: measurement of levels of TSH, T3 and T4
- Thyroid scan: radiographic evaluation of thyroid after radioactive substance is injected; identifies thyroid size, shape, position and function
- Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): measure of ability of thyroid to concentrate and retain circulating iodine for synthesis of thyroid hormone
Non-insulin-depedent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)
Most common form of diabetes; also called “Type 2 diabetes” or “adult-onset diabetes”; caused when pancreas still produces insulin, but there is a deficiency or resistance to the insulin produced