Ch 11: Vital Sign Flashcards
The opening at the end for gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where solid waste leaves the body.
a pulse located at the bottom left portion of the heart
apical pulse
lack of breathing
of or relating to the ear or the sense of hearing
temperature taken in the axilla, or armpit
axillary temperature
a slow pulse of less than 60 beats per minute
an unusually slow rate of breathing, typically under 12 breaths per minute
a pulse taken at either of the two main arteries located on each side of the neck
carotid pulse
The metric measurement used for temperature; the freezing point of water is 0 degrees and boiling point is 100 degrees
Celsius (C)
part of a blood pressure reading that is taken when the heart muscles relax
diastolic pressure
an electronic readout of numbers
difficulty breathing usually observed as shortness of breath
excess build-up or retention of fluid in the bodily tissues that causes swelling, usually in the legs and feet
breathing out; also called expiration
The English system of measurement used for temperature; freezing point of water is 32 degrees F and the boiling point is 212 degrees F
Fahrenheit (F)
a condition in which blood pressure is too high
breathing too quickly
a condition in which blood pressure is too low
a body temperature below 95 degrees F
breathing too slowly
a lack of adequate oxygen
breathing in; also called inspiration
existing or taking place within, or administered into, a vein or veins.
intravenous (IV)
a long, thin medical instrument with a blunt end used for exploration into body cavities
a medical device usually applied to the fingertip to indirectly measure the amount of oxygen saturation in the blood
pulse oximeter
the pulse located on the thumb side of the wrist
radial pulse
a specialized manual or digital medical device used to measure blood pressure; also called a vital sign machine or a blood pressure monitor
breathing that sounds like snoring
stertorous breathing
a medical device used to listen to body sounds such as breathing, heartbeats, and lung and bowel sounds .
part of a blood pressure reading that is taken when the heart muscle contracts and pushes blood through the artery
systolic pressure
a fast pulse of over 100 beats per minute
rapid, shallow breathing due to the lungs only partially filling
temperature taken on either side of the head, where the temporal arteries are located
temporal artery temperature
temperature taken in the ear
tympanic temperature