Ch. 11- Gallbladder Flashcards
Hyperplastic Cholecystisis Characterized by
Hyperconcentration: increase amt. of concentrated bile Hyperexcitability: ______ Hyperexcertion: too much bile
Types of Hyperplastic Cholecystitis
Cholesterolosis Adenomyomatosis
condition in which cholesterol is deposited w/in lumina propria of GB
Benign neoplasms w/ a potential to become malignant
Adenoma occurs
as a solitary lesion Small: pedunculated Large: contain foci malignant transformation
Adenoma Sonographic Appearance
Homogenously hyperechoic - as grow in size will become heterogenous - thick wall= hourglass appearance
Hyperplastic change in the GB wall
How do papillomas occur?
Singularly or in groups
Where may adenomyomatosis be found?
May be scattered over a large part of the mucosal surface of the GB
What is adenomyomatosis associated w/?
Rokitansky- Aschoff Sinuses
What are Rokitanksy-Aschoff sinuses?
Small mucosal herniations into the muscular layer of the GB
Rokitanksy-Aschoff sinuses appear- if filled w/bile
Rokitanksy-Aschoff- if filled w/cholesterol deposits
Echogenic foci w/v-shaped reverberation artifact
Adenomyomatosis Sonographic Appearance
small elevelations in lumen of the GB Maintain their initial location during positional changes
What type of artifact does adenomyomatosis cause?
Comet tail artifact
Calcium incrustation of GB wall
What is Porcelain gallbladder associated with?
What are the symptoms of a porcelain gallbladder?
How is a diagnosis made for Porcelain gallbladder
- incidental finding - mass is found on physical examination
Can porcelain gallbladder develop into cancer?
Yes; 25%
Porcelain Sonographic Findings
Bright echogenic echo region of GB w/posterior shadowing (can’t see a wall majority of the time)
Gallbladder Carcinoma -characteristics
Rare & rapidly progressive 100% mortality rate 2X as common as cancer of the bile ducts
What is GB carcinoma associated w/?
cholelithiasis 80-90%
What increases the chance of developing GB carcinoma?
Cholelithiasis- presence of stones in the GB
GB carcinoma occurs most frequently in?
Women over 60 yrs
Where may GB carcinoma tumor arise from?
-body of the GB - cystic duct (rare)
Effects of GB carcinoma tumor
- infiltrate the GB -causes thickening and rigidity of the wall
What or how do you differentiate between a benign or malignant tumor of the GB
Put color doppler - Malignant= GB carcinoma = hypervascularity will show
How does GB carcinoma affect the liver?
Liver is invaded by direct continuity extending through tissue spaces= Ducts of Lushka - lymph channels - or any combination
How does obstruction of the cystic ducts occur in relation to GB carcinoma?
- Direct extenstion of the tumor - Extrinsic compression by involved lymph nodes
GB carcinoma sonographic findings
global shape of malignant GB masses- looks similar to GB -heterogenous solid or semi-solid mass
GB carcinoma sonographic findings
adjacent liver tissue in hilar area ( main-lobar fissure& pv- where it inserts into the liver) is heterogenous due to tumor spread - Shotgun sign= dilated biliary ducts w/in liver -cause non-visualization of gb on oral cholecystogram
Dilated Biliary Ducts - what is the measurement to be considered dilated?
- greater than 4 mm
What are the biliary ducts parallel to?
Portal sytem
What is the internal diameter of the CHD?
- less than 4 mm
What is the borderline measurement for the duct diameter?
- 5mm
What does the it mean if the duct diameter 6mm
- requires further investigation
What may look normal but still have a distal obstruction
normal size hepatic duct ( <4mm)
The distal duct is often obscured by what?
- gas
CBD internal diameter?
- slightly greater than the hepatic duct
What measurement of the duct is considered dilated?
10 mm
What is the most common cause of a biliary obstruction?
- tumor or thrombus w/in the ductal system
Where may a biliary obstruction be found?
- extrahepatic ductal pathway - intrahepatic ductal pathway
What is seen as a sign when intrahepatic ducts are dilated?
- to many tubes - shotgun sign
How do bile ducts expand?
centrifugally- from the point of obstruction
When does extrahepatic dilation occur?
before intrahepatic ***if obstruction is extrahepatic!
What are the three primary areas for Extrahepatic obstruction?
- Intrapancreatic - Suprapancreatic - Porta hepatic (portal triad)
What are the three intrapancreatic conditions?
- pancreatic carcinoma - choledocolithiasis - chronic pancreatitis w/stricture formation
What is intrapancreatic obstruction?
- Extrahepatic - obstruction at the level of the distal duct
What is suprapancreatic obstruction? Where does it originate?
- Extrahepatic obstruction -originates b/w head of pancreas
What structures appear normal on ultrasound in a suprapancreatic obstruction?
- head of pancreas - intrapancreatic duct - pancreatic duct
What is the most common cause of suprapancreatic obstruction?
Malignancy or adenopathy
Porta hepatic obstruction usually occurs due to what?
What will appear on an ultrasound of a porta hepatic obstruction?
- intrahepatic ductal dilation - Normal CBD - possibly GB hydrop
Where does cholangiocarcinoma originate from?
w/in the larger bile ducts = CBD or CHD
Specific type of cholangiocarcinoma?
- Klatskin’s tumor
Where can the Klatskin’s tumor occur?
- bifurcation of the CHD (involves all parts- central, left & right)
What sonographic feature suggests Klatskin’s tumor?
Non-union of the rt. & lt. ducts
What sonographic features indicates cholagiocarcinoma?
- isolated intrahepatic duct dilation
What should be down to confirm Klatskins tumor?
- contrast & color doppler
Mirizzi Syndrome is caused by?
Extrahepatic biliary obstruction due to an impacted stone in the cystic duct
If a stone is penetrated into the CHD or gut what disease could this indicate?
Mirizzi syndrome
Cholecystobiliary or cholecystenteric fistula is a result of what? & associated w/ what?
- stone penetrated into the CHD or gut - Mirizzi Syndrome
What allows Mirizzi syndrome to occur?
cystic duct inserts unusually low into the CHD & 2 ducts have parallel alignment
Mirizzi Syndrome- Sonographic Findings
- intrahepatic ductal dilation - normal CBD - large stone in neck or cystic duct
What type of tumors will have the same sonographic appearance as pancreatic tumors?
- Tumors arising from GB - Ampullar carcinoma
What indicates cancer of the biliary convergence?
- ducal wall w/out bulging outside
What indicates ampulloma?
- specific pattern - bulge inside dilated CBD
Cancer of the hepatic duct usually infiltrates what?
- the ducal wall w/out bulging outside
Extrahepatic biliary obstruction - sonographic findings
- minimal dilation in patients w/ 1.)NON-jaundice w/ a.) gallstones [OR] b.) pancreatitis 2.) Jaundice w/ a.) common duct stone [OR] b.) tumor
A diameter >11 mm suggests an obstruction by what?
- stone - tumor of the a.) duct b.) pancreas c.) other source
What causes intermittent obstruction resulting from a ball-valve effect?
Biliary obstruction involving - 1 HD - early obstruction 2nd to carcinoma/ gallstones
Extra obs.- What is found in Non-jaundice dilate ducts?
Biliary obstruction involving - 1 HD - early obstruction 2nd to carcinoma/ gallstones
What characteristics traditionally distinguish bile ducts from other intrahepatic structures?
1.) alteration in pattern adjacent to RMPV segment & bifurcation 2.) irregular walls of dilated ducts 3.) stellate confluence of dilated ducts 4.) acoustic enhancement by DD 5.) peripheral duct dilation
Intrahepatic biliary ducts occur…
2nd to extrahepatic bile duct obstruction
Cystadenoma & cystadenocarcinoma are rare and primarily limited diseases that may occassionally occur from?
- intrahepatic lesions–> changes in the duct
Intrahepatic biliary neoplasms frequently found in
- middle aged women
Clinical Presentation of Intrahepatic biliary neoplasms
- abd. pain - abd. mass - jaundice - dilated intra ducts
Abd. mass near the porta hepatis will cause
- jaundice
What pattern variations may show in an intrahepatic biliary neoplasm mass
- uniocular - calcifies - multiple
What are the differential diagnoses of an intrahepatic biliary neoplasm
- hemorrhagic cyst - infection -echinococcal cysts - abscess - cystic metastasis
What is cholangitis
- inflammation of the bile ducts
What are the clinical symptoms of cholangitis
- malaise (can’t localize pain) - Fever - sweating & shivering - Lethargic -Prostrate - in shock
Cholangitis is caused by the dependence on the type of disease; but obstruction may include
- ductal strictures - parasitic infestation - bacterial infection - stones - neoplasm
How is cholangitis identified?
- oriental sclerosing cholangitis -AIDS “” - acute obstructive suppurative “”
What does cholangitis cause?
- increased pressure on biliary tree w/pus accumulation
What lab values are associated w/ cholangitis?
- increase in a.) alk phos b.) bilirubin
Which two cholangitis diseases have identical ultrasonic intrahepatic biliary changes?
- sclerosing - aids
Decompression of what is necessary in cholangitis
- decompression of CBD
What are the sonographic findings of cholangitis?
- smooth/irregular wall thickening of CBD - CBD wall so thin- diff. to recognize
- stones in the CBD
The majority of stones in the CBD have migrated from where?
Choledocholithiasis is usually associated w/ what other GB disease?
- calculous cholecystitis
Choledocholithiasis- sonographic findings
- impacted @ ampulla of Vater - hyperechoic density w/in CBD producing shadowing
Causes of shadowing
- calcifications of small vascular structures - air/gas in duodenum= dirty - Intrabiliary gas= pneumobilia
Which biliary diesease is congenital?
- Caroli’s disease
What is Caroli’s disease?
- communicating cavernous ectasia of intrahepatic ducts= dilated or extended ducts
How is Caroli’s disease described?
- congenital segmental saccular cystic dilation of major intrahepatic bile ducts
What is the the Caroli’s disease common in whom?
- younger adults - pediatric
Caroli’s Disease- Symptoms
- reoccurring cramp-like upper abd. pain
How does milk of calcium bile occur?
- GB becomes filled w/ pasty semi-solid substance
What is milk of calcium bile mostly made up of?
- calcium carbonate
Milk of calcium bile is often associated w/
- bile stasis
What other GB disease may milk of calcium bile cause?
- acute cholecystitis - migrate into bile ducts
Milk of Calcium bile- sonographic appearance
- highly echogenic material - posterior acoustic shadowing
Posterior acoustic shadowing forming a level w/ different patient positioning may indicate what?
- milk of calcium bile
What does sludge occur from?
Bile Stasis
What is bile stasis?
When bile cannot flow from liver to duodenum; GB is not contracting
Sludge may be seen in patients w/?
- prolonged fasting - hyperalimentation - obstruction of GB
Alimenation, what is it?
admin. of nutrients by IV feeding
Where is sludge usually found in?
Sludge- Sonographic Findings
- low level internal echoes
What other disease may sludge be seen in?
- cholelithiasis - Cholecystitis etc.
What disease occurred from bile stasis will mimic polypoid tumors?
- Tumefactive sludge
What is it called when sludge in GB is isoechoic w/liver?
Adenomyomatosis- definition
small polypoid projections from the GB wall
Causes of GB wall thickening
- cholecystitis - adenomyomatosis - AIDS - Cholangiopathy - Sclerosing cholangitis
What is Sclerosing cholangitis
bile dues narrow
What is cholangiopathy
any disease of the bile ducts
Which diseases are an inflammation of the GB?
- Acute & Chronic Cholecystitis - Acalculous - Emphysematous - Gangrenous
Unique about Acalculous?
- w/out a stone
Unique about Emphysematous
- Gas in GB–> ring down artifact
Which inflammatory disease creates usually creates a cystic duct obstruction?
- Acute cholecystitis
Acute Cholecystitis- Symptoms
- acute RUQ pain - + murphy’s sign - Fever - Leukocytosis
Acute -cystisis complications =
- Empyema - Emphysematous - Gangrenous - Perforation
Murphy’s sign definition:
+ sign implies tenderness over GB area upon palpation (touched)
What is empyema?
- collection of pus
Acute Cholecystisis - Sonographic findings
- irregular GB wall - sonolucent area w/ thick wall - Hydrop - + Murphy sign - Pericholecystic fluid ( can be there or not)
Sludge definiton:
low- level echoes found along posterior margin of GB
Hydrop definition:
enlargment of GB
Describe the presence of pericholecystic fluid
- inflammed wall & swelling w/leakage into pericholecystic space–> space surrounding GB
What is perforation
- hole; piercing; aperature; could be row of small holes - Whole/opening in the GB wall
What feeds the GB?
- cystic artery
What non-biliary diseases may sludge be found in?
- hepatitis - severe hypoalbuminec states
What disease is the most common form of inflammation?
- chronic cholecystitis
What is chronic- cystitis
- end result of acute -cystitis
Chronic -cystitis – sonographic findings
- cholelithiasis- found in contracted GB w/ coarse GB wall thickening - WES
WES- definition:
Sonographic pattern found when GB packed w/stones
What is acalculous - cystitis
- acute infl. w/out stones (cholelithiasis)
What type of patients would most likely have a decrease in blood flow of the cystic artery? What GB disease could they develop?
- Trauma - Burn - Post OP *** Acalculous -cystitis
What is the measurment of an acalculous- cystitis wall?
Which inflammatory GB disease is rapidly progressive and fatal?
Emphysematous -cystitis
50 % of patients have this GB disease
Emphysematous Cholecystitis
Which inflammatory GB disease may lead to perforation?
Gangrenous -cystitis
Gangrenous -cystitis caused by?
- prolonged infection
What are other clinical factors of cholelithiasis
- pregnancy -diabetes -oral contraceptive use -diet induced weight loss - total parenteral nutrition (coma pts)
When do patients w/-lithiasis start to experience symptoms
- small stone lodges in the cystic or common duct
What portion of the GB should stones shift after changing patient positions
- dependent portion of the GB (closest to earth)
Which type of reflections affect shadowing the most?
- specular reflection
What is the shadow of the gallstone from
- acoustic impedance - Refraction through them or diffraction around them
What type of stones will not cast an acoustic shadow?
- <3mm
Shadow is dependent on what/
- relationship b/w stone & sound beam
Which biliary disease causes wall abnormality, weakness, & outpouching of the ductal walls?
Choledochal cysts
Choledocal cysts cause?
pancreatic juices refluxing into bile duct
What would cause pancreatic juices to reflux into the bile duct? What GB disease is this?
- b/c an anomalous junction of pancreatic duct into distal CBD - Choledochal cysts
Choledochal cysts may be associated w/?
- stones - pancreatitis - cirrhosis
How are -dochal cysts classified?
- localize cystic dilation of CBD - sac from CBD (diverti) -invag (outpouch) CBD into duo - dilation of entire CBD &CHD