Ch. 11: Conduct Invalidating Consent Flashcards
Any wrongful or unlawful act or threat that overcomes the free will of a party.
No legal force or binding effect; unable, in law, to support the purpose for which it was intended.
Capable of being voided
An action intended or known to be likely to keep another from learning of a fact of which he otherwise would have learned.
Silence or nondisclosure alone does not amount to fraud
A person in a confidential relationship who owes a duty of trust, loyalty, and confidence to another
An event that actually took place or a thing that actually exists.
Belief in the existence of a fact or a judgment as to value.
Predictions, which are similar to opinions in that no one can know with certainty what will happen in the future, normally are not regarded as factual statements.
Matters to which a reasonable investor would attach importance in deciding whether to purchase a security.
Refers to a person’s knowledge or intent to commit a wrongdoing.
Negligent misrepresentation
A false representation that is made without knowledge of its falsity and without due care in ascertaining its truthfulness
Innocent misrepresentation
A false representation made without knowledge of its falsity but with due care.
A belief that is not in accord with the facts
Mutual mistake
Occurs when both parties are mistaken as to the same set of facts
Physical Compulsion
Coercion involving physical force renders the agreement void
Improper Threats
Improper threats or acts, including economic and social coercion, render the contract voidable
Undue Influence
Taking unfair advantage of a person by reason of a dominant position based on a confidential relationship
Fraud in the Execution
A misrepresentation that deceives the other party as to the nature of a document, evidencing that the contract renders the agreement void