ch. 10 the subjunctive Flashcards
The subjunctive
the subjunctive of a verb is used in complex sentences, that is, sentences that have an independent clause and a dependent clause. If the sentence is merely reporting facts, then a verb in the indicative mood will be used.
A sentence that uses the subjunctive form of the verb will have 2 subjects, 2 verbs and subject 1 acts upon subject 2
Cause and effect
Whenever there is an attempt to influence the action of the verb in the dependent clause, the verb in the dependent clause will be expressed in the subjuctive
Desear esperar insistir(en) pedir (i) prohibir querer (ie) recomendar (ie) sugerir (ie) Ojala!
Expressions of doubt
dudar to doubt no creer no to believe no estar seguro/ segura (not to be sure) no pensar (ie) not to think es dudoso it's doubtful no es cierto no es claro no es evidente no es seguro its not sure no es verdad acaso/ quizá(s)/ tal vez perhaps
Value Judgements
es bueno es importante es malo es mejor its best es necesario es posible es probable es raro es terrible es urgente
expressions of emotion
alegarse (de) to be glad encantar to be delighted gustar sentir (ie) to regret, to feel sorry temer to fear tener miedo (de) to be afraid of es (una) lástima it's a pity, it's too bad es triste it's sad
Never use the subjunctive with expressions of certainty
creer estar seguro/ segura (de) to be sure es cierto es evidente es obvio es verdad está claro its clear
Subjunctive of Dar (to give)
dé des dé demos deis den
estar (to be, condition, location)
Estar is used to indicate temporary states and locations. If the general rule doesn´t suffice, think of the acronym PLACE, which stands for Position, Location, Action, Condition, and Emotion.
esté estés esté estemos estéis estén
ir (to go)
vaya vayas vaya vayamos vayáis vayan
saber (to know)
sepa sepas sepa sepamos sepáis sepen
Ser (to be)
Ser is used to classify and identify permanent or lasting attributes. If the general rule isn´t specific enough for you, think of the acronym DOCTOR, which stands for Description, Occupation, Characteristic, Time, Origin, and Relationship.
sea seas sea seamos seáis sean
ver (to see;watch; look at)
vea veas vea veamos veáis vean
The third concept of the subjunctive
Focuses on entities (people or things) and events that are unknown to, or as yet unexperienced by, the speaker. As such they have not become part of the speakers reality.
Expressions that indicate a lack of knowledge or experience.
¿Conocer? to know; be acquainted with (question)
no conocer
Events in the future a fin de que/ para que so (that) a menos que unless antes (de) que before con tal (de) que provided (that) cuando when después (de) que after en caso (de) que in case (that) hasta que until tan pronto como as soon as