Ch. 10 Power and Influence in the Workplace Flashcards
What is power?
The capacity of a person, team, or organisation to influence others
1) Potential to change someone’s attitudes/behaviour
2) Based on target’s perception
3) Involves asymmetric dependence of one party on another
All power relationships depend on some minimum level of trust
What is countervailing power?
The capacity of a person, team, or organisation to keep a more powerful person or group in the exchange relationship
What are the five sources of power?
1) Legitimate
2) Reward
3) Coercive
4) Expert
5) Referent
Where do the sources of power originate from?
Legitimate, reward, coercive
- Formally by the org or informally by coworkers
Expert, referent
- Power holder’s own characteristics
What is legitimate power?
Agreement that people in specific positions can request behaviours from others
What is the zone of indifference?
Zone of indifference
- Deference to authority in a domain of behaviours
- Increases with level of trust in power holder
- Increases with values of conformity and tradition, high power distance, org culture
- Problem: Mindless deference to authority
What is the norm of reciprocity?
Obligation to reciprocate favours
What is legitimate power through information control?
Right to control information that others receive
1) Those who need info are dependent on the gatekeeper to provide that resource
2) Selectively distributing info affects perception of situation
What is reward power?
Ability to control rewards valued by others and to remove negative sanctions
What is coercive power?
Ability to aplly punishment
What is expert power?
Capacity to influence others by possessing knowledge or skills valued by others
Problem: Mindless deference to expertise
Coping with uncertainty
- Orgs operate better in predictable envmts
- People gain power by using their expertise to:
> Prevent envmtal changes
> Forecasting envmtal changes
> Absorb envmtal changes
What is referent power?
Capacity to influence others when they identify with them, like them, or respect them
Associated with charisma
What are the contingencies of power?
1) Substitutability
2) Centrality
3) Visibility
4) Discretion
What is substitutability?
Power increases with non-substitutability
- Resource has few or no other sources
- Resource has few or no substitutes
Ways to increase non-substitutability:
- Controlling access to the resource
- Differentiate their resource from the alternatives
What is centrality?
Power holder’s importance based on the degree and nature of interdependence with others
Centrality increases with:
- No. of people affected
- How quickly and severely affected