Ch 10 Financial Sector: Savings, Investment Spending, and the Financial System Flashcards
Savings =
Income - Expenditure
Net Capital Inflow
Net capital inflow of funds into a country minus the total flow of funds out of the country
Why save? 3 reasons
1) Life-cycle saving
2) Precautionary saving
3) Bequest saving
Life cycle saving
is saving to meet long term objectives such as retirement, college attendance, or the purchase of a home
Precautionary Saving
is saving for protection against unexpected setbacks as the loss of a job or medical emergency
Bequest Saving
is saving done for the purpose of leaving an inheritance
Saving is sacrificing _____________ to obtain __________
1) present consumption
2) future consumption
If you are a net borrower a higher interest rate will ___________
decrease your wealth (example: higher mortgage payments). More savings. You wanna save if the interest rate goes up
If you are a net lender a higher interest rate will ____________
increase your wealth (greater return on your assets). Since present income hasn’t changed this leads to less savings
The higher the interest rate the ___________ the reward for saving. So people will be ______ inclined to save.
1) greater
2) more
Supply for loans: if real interest rate goes up, the reward for sacrificing consumption ___________ and people save ______
1) increases
2) more
Supply for Loans: For each value of interest, how much do people save?
Interest Rate (y axis) Loanable Funds (x axis)
2% $4B
4% $5B
6% $10B
- the graph of savings goes up
Based on the discussion the graph has a positive slope (savings increasing)
Demand for loans (by firms)
The higher interest rate, the less investment is profitable
Risk averse
a person who is more sensitive to a loss than to a gain of the same dollar amount
owners achieve diversification by selling a share of her business and investing in several unrelated, independent things so they lower her total risk
types of common financial assets
1) loan
2) bonds
3) loan backed securities
4) stocks
a lending agreement between a lender and a borrower
- tailored to the needs of the borrower
- high transaction costs )negotiating terms, investigating credit history of the borrower)
seller of the bond promises to pay a fixed sum of interest each year and to repay the principal - the value stated on the face of the bond - to the owner of the bind on a particular date.
Loan backed securities
assets created by pooling individual loans and selling shares in that pool
Loan backed securities
assets created by pooling individual loans and selling shares in that pool
partial ownership of a company
savings investment spending identity
savings are always equal to investment spending for the economy as a whole
The functions of the Central Bank
o The central bank acts as banker for commercial banks
o The central bank acts as banker for the federal government
o The central bank issues currency
o The central bank conducts monetary policy